2. Contributo in Volume
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 189.053
EU - Europa 117.374
AS - Asia 66.385
SA - Sud America 1.102
AF - Africa 966
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 824
OC - Oceania 731
AN - Antartide 2
Totale 376.437
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 180.181
CN - Cina 36.875
IT - Italia 31.838
UA - Ucraina 29.757
DE - Germania 18.645
VN - Vietnam 12.535
SG - Singapore 9.336
CA - Canada 8.634
SE - Svezia 7.895
GB - Regno Unito 6.167
FI - Finlandia 5.210
RU - Federazione Russa 4.468
FR - Francia 4.233
IE - Irlanda 2.648
AT - Austria 2.397
HK - Hong Kong 1.473
TR - Turchia 1.368
PH - Filippine 925
NL - Olanda 902
EU - Europa 817
IN - India 780
AU - Australia 634
MY - Malesia 632
ES - Italia 593
BE - Belgio 572
BR - Brasile 393
PK - Pakistan 316
ID - Indonesia 313
ZA - Sudafrica 298
JP - Giappone 280
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 278
KR - Corea 266
GR - Grecia 234
CH - Svizzera 222
RO - Romania 196
PL - Polonia 179
PT - Portogallo 176
PE - Perù 163
IR - Iran 151
TH - Thailandia 144
LT - Lituania 124
MX - Messico 119
CO - Colombia 117
TW - Taiwan 115
CL - Cile 105
EG - Egitto 104
LK - Sri Lanka 103
SA - Arabia Saudita 102
NG - Nigeria 98
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 94
NP - Nepal 89
VE - Venezuela 89
EC - Ecuador 86
NO - Norvegia 86
AR - Argentina 83
MA - Marocco 83
HU - Ungheria 82
IL - Israele 67
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 63
DZ - Algeria 62
IQ - Iraq 60
KE - Kenya 60
BD - Bangladesh 58
DK - Danimarca 58
CY - Cipro 57
ET - Etiopia 52
LV - Lettonia 43
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 42
HR - Croazia 41
BG - Bulgaria 39
TN - Tunisia 34
EE - Estonia 31
SI - Slovenia 31
BO - Bolivia 30
PA - Panama 30
MT - Malta 29
GH - Ghana 27
JO - Giordania 27
KZ - Kazakistan 27
RS - Serbia 27
GE - Georgia 24
PY - Paraguay 24
UG - Uganda 21
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 20
AL - Albania 19
AZ - Azerbaigian 19
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 19
LU - Lussemburgo 19
VA - Santa Sede (Città del Vaticano) 19
JM - Giamaica 18
AM - Armenia 17
MM - Myanmar 17
TZ - Tanzania 17
KH - Cambogia 16
BY - Bielorussia 15
CR - Costa Rica 15
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 14
QA - Qatar 14
MU - Mauritius 13
OM - Oman 13
Totale 376.151
Città #
Jacksonville 25.732
Chandler 18.111
Woodbridge 13.452
Dong Ket 12.405
Ann Arbor 11.701
Nanjing 11.249
Fairfield 11.014
Ashburn 10.660
Houston 8.763
Toronto 7.530
Boardman 7.179
Wilmington 7.011
Singapore 6.997
Beijing 5.910
Princeton 4.666
Seattle 4.501
Nanchang 4.230
Cambridge 3.709
Ogden 3.203
Milan 2.894
Dearborn 2.715
Dublin 2.554
Vienna 2.311
Kunming 1.987
Rome 1.916
Shenyang 1.833
Helsinki 1.732
Tianjin 1.640
New York 1.566
Hebei 1.462
Hong Kong 1.161
Changsha 1.157
Jiaxing 1.135
Munich 988
Santa Clara 971
Centro 949
Naples 948
Bari 931
Kocaeli 892
Los Angeles 844
Hangzhou 817
Verona 663
Lanzhou 625
San Francisco 584
Jinan 578
Venezia 577
Mcallen 570
Nürnberg 562
Montréal 545
Changchun 544
Brussels 468
San Diego 467
Ningbo 466
Des Moines 450
London 433
Redwood City 412
Shanghai 401
Zhengzhou 388
Florence 378
Norwalk 367
Amsterdam 358
Strasbourg 327
Guangzhou 323
Napoli 318
Bologna 316
Salerno 296
Potenza 289
Turin 278
Palermo 265
Taizhou 258
Kuala Lumpur 244
Pune 222
Frankfurt am Main 215
Melbourne 212
Ottawa 201
Berlin 174
Sydney 174
Catania 172
Venice 171
Brno 166
Washington 162
Padova 155
Hanover 144
Haikou 141
Taranto 139
Tokyo 133
Paris 132
Madrid 127
Quezon City 123
Fuzhou 120
Lima 115
Nocera Inferiore 115
Borås 111
Canberra 110
Redmond 110
Orange 108
São Paulo 107
Genoa 106
Davao City 101
Indiana 101
Totale 228.343
Nome #
Correlation analysis 6.447
Advancements in shotcrete technology 1.548
Shotcrete in repair and rehabilitation projects 1.251
Verso un nuovo modello di scuola inclusiva delle persone con disabilità tra didattica digitale e nuove frontiere della Intelligenza Artificiale 1.069
Pasquale Grippo. Il giurista e l'uomo politico.Introduzione di Lucio Attorre 625
Il "Liombruno" di Calvino tra fonti orali e scritte 621
Flood risk modelling with LiDAR technology 619
Archeologia degli insediamenti monastici nella Basilicata bizantina. Economia, popolamento e politica territoriale 516
Analisi semplificata della vulnerabilità idraulica degli attraversamenti fluviali 384
La parabola della Repubblica Napoletana tra cultura e pratica politica 382
Descriptive statistics 379
Enhancing the Spatial Dimensions of Open Data: Geocoding Open PA Information Using Geo Platform Fusion to Support Planning Process 368
Il tempio di Roma e Augusto 358
Hidden markov models 357
Pulsed laser deposition of Bioglass coatings on dental implants. 333
Tullia Matania 311
Automated valuation methods in atypical real estate markets using the mono-parametric approach 311
1,2-Cycloaddition reaction of carbonyl compounds and pentaatomic heterocyclic compounds 307
Purification and Characterization of three Mitochondrial Substrate Carriers: the Phosphate, the Oxoglutarate and the Dicarboxylate Carriers. 304
Methodology for mapping Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESAs) to Desertification 297
Storia degli studi. La ricerca archeologica su Mondragone e il suo territorio 288
The Iron Age in South Italy: Settlement, Mobility and Culture Contact 273
Modelli primari per la crescita microbica 273
“Sustainable reuse of modern movement heritage buildings: problems and solutions in Scotland and Italy” 266
Cracking response and service life prediction of flexible and semi-rigid road pavements implementing M-E PDG 2002 code 260
1. L'Acropoli e le pendici: Quadro generale storico-topografico 256
Feeding, Nutrition and Sustainability in Dairy Enterprises: The Case of Mediterranean Buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) 252
Grazing and Biodiversity Conservation: Highlights on a Natura 2000 Network Site 245
Timoteo di Gaza: un grammatico fra tradizione e innovazione 244
Conflicts between environmental protection and energy regeneration of the historic heritage in the case of the city of matera: Tools for assessing and dimensioning of sustainable energy action plans (SEAP) 240
Citizens Participation in Improving Rural Communities Quality of Life 238
Il Castello medievale di Balvano. L’emblema dell’architettura fortificata si trasforma in Accademia di Moda 233
Did the Roman Empire have a military strategy and were the Jafnids part of it? 233
Educare alla cittadinanza. Quale futuro? 232
Sustainable Agricultural Practices in Disease Defence of Traditional Crops in Southern Italy: The Case Study of Tomato Cherry Protected by Trichoderma harzianum T-22 Against Cucumber Mosaic Virus (CMV) 231
The Role of Local Sheep and Goat Breeds and Their Products as a Tool for Sustainability and Safeguard of the Mediterranean Environment 231
The laser scan data as a key element in the hydraulic flood modelling in urban areas 229
Leon Giuseppe Buono 225
A field survey in Potenza (southern Italy) for developing and testing an innovative strategy of air pollution control at local scale. 225
Resilience and smartness of coastal regions. A tool for spatial evaluation 224
L. Mies van der Rohe, Casa a tre corti 222
Capillary Electrophoresis of Tropane Alkaloids and Glycoalkaloids Occurring in Solanaceae Plants 222
GRAPE: Post-harvest Operations 220
Risultati delle indagini sperimentali condotte sul bacino Fiumarella di Corleto 219
La ópera y la corrida: Metáforas y estereotipos en la comunicación intercultural de lenguas afines 219
Real-time Adaptive GPU multi-agent path planning 218
A review of RST-VOLC, an original algorithm for automatic detection and near real-time monitoring of volcanic hot spots from space 216
Citizen Participation and Technologies: The C.A.S.T. Architecture 216
On Various Levels of Linear Independence for Integer Translates of a Finite Number of Functions 212
Il 1799 in Basilicata 210
Processing plants and technologies for a sustainable Mediterranean food chain 209
Excitation Energies of Metal Complexes with Time-dependent Density Functional Theory 208
Overcoming Interoperability Weaknesses in e-Government Processes: Organizing and Sharing Knowledge in Regional Development Programs Using Ontologies 207
Introduzione (Per una storia delle classi dirigenti meridionali. Il caso lucano 1861-2016) 207
A quantitative prediction of soil consumption in southern Italy 206
Faulting and fracturing of carbonate rocks: New insights into deformation mechanisms, petrophysics and fluid flow properties 202
Moretti's Shock-Fitting Methods on Structured and Unstructured Meshes 202
Abiotic degradation of the herbicide rimsulfuron on minerals and soil 201
Urban Residential Land Value Analysis: The Case of Potenza 199
“Serpentone Reload” an Experience of Citizens Involvement in Regeneration of Peripheral Urban Spaces 199
Early Warnings and Alerts 198
Flow Induced Excitation on basic shape structures 198
Assessment of systemic vulnerability in flood prone areas 198
Massimiliano Lacertosa, VIII Giorno; Antonella Malvasi, Agio. Lo spazio accanto; Mary Cinque, Oleum; Simona Ragnolini, Rapporti confinanti; Gianni Giacummo, From the Zero to A; Valentina Ferrandes, The Oyster Effect-L’effetto ostrica; Arturo Ianniello, Geografie perdute; Marco Muchetti, Don’t be a caddy; Assunta Consoli, Diluita osservazione; Rocca Maffia, Write the title you want; Alice Mosanghini, Basilicata 5.0; Benedetto Ferraro, 5 sensi; Elena Nepi, Dis-Ordine. 198
Electrolysed Water in the Food Industry as Supporting of Environmental Sustainability 198
scheda del dipinto del Maestro di Palazzo San Gervasio, Natura morta di frutta e ortaggi con tre vasi di fiori e due colombe in volo 198
La Ciropedia tra Guarino e Vittorino. Note su alcuni codici 197
Caratterizzazione delle caseine calcio sensibili e delle siero proteine in latte di asina. 197
Assessing sustainability: Research directions and relevant issues 197
1990. Factors for virulence of bacteria: Production of IAA and cytokinins 196
Borghi rurali in divenire 196
Conflicts and Sustainable Planning: Peculiar Instances Coming from Val D’agri Structural Inter-municipal Plan 196
Proposal of eco-compatible mixtures (C&D-EAF slag) for road constructions 195
Lo sviluppo delle TIC nella scuola italiana 195
Biodiversity of Hypogeous Fungi in Basilicata 195
Using spatiotemporal analysis in urban sprawl assessment and prediction 195
Performance Assessment of JPCP and CRCP Rigid Pavements Implementing M-E Analysis 194
A Finite Element Method Model for Large Strains Analysis of Timber 194
Recent advances in the development of LiCoPO4 as high voltage cathode material for Li-ion batteries 193
A Finite Element Analysis of the Brindisi di Montagna Scalo Earthflow (Basilicata, Southern-Italy) Engineering Geology for Society and Territory 193
Cooperative Manipulation 193
Investigating tourism attractiveness in inland areas: Ecosystem services, open data and smart specializations 193
Architettura rurale dei borghi, soluzioni per la valorizzazione e il recupero funzionale. Borgo Taccone 193
Welcome message from ALICE 2014 workshop chairs 193
Change detection and classification of seismic damage with LiDAR and RADAR surveys in supporting emergency planning. The case of amatrice 193
Managing Knowledge Assets for NPD Performance Improvement: Results of an Action Research Project 192
“New life for defence military architecture the case of the sighting towers in Basilicata”, 192
L'uso delle fonti in sede di recensio: la Ciropedia di Zonara (Epit. III 15-26) 192
Indirect and direct benefits of the use of Trichoderma harzianum strain T-22 in agronomic plants subjected to abiotic and biotic stresses 192
Data-driven analysis of discharge variations at Mercure spring (South Italy) 191
An integrated methodology for Medieval Landscape Reconstruction: the case study of Monte Serico. 191
3D simulations in Environmental Impact Assessment 190
Welcome message from ALICE-2011 workshop chairs 190
Using environmental geostatistics for the geochemical characterization of soils from the polluted site of national interest of Tito (PZ - Italy) 189
Control of biotic and abiotic stresses in cultivated plants by the use of biostimulant microorganisms 189
Economic Life Prediction Model of RC Buildings Based on Fragility Curves 189
Tidally influenced shoal water delta and estuary in the Middle Jurassic of the Søgne Basin, Norwegian North Sea: sedimentary response to rift initiation and salt tectonics 189
Totale 33.799

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/202036.733 0 0 0 0 0 8.037 4.663 8.033 3.960 6.566 4.063 1.411
2020/202163.229 5.467 5.788 1.316 5.908 2.487 6.108 1.770 5.210 1.431 7.490 6.373 13.881
2021/202237.219 954 4.429 7.668 2.314 2.512 793 759 2.833 2.564 1.107 1.813 9.473
2022/202344.817 6.689 837 759 5.546 5.012 6.459 410 4.150 9.681 1.397 2.711 1.166
2023/202434.558 2.442 1.367 2.708 1.351 2.560 4.344 1.734 2.553 6.710 1.523 1.913 5.353
2024/202532.401 4.334 2.895 13.322 3.852 4.533 3.465 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 392.867