Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 6.839
EU - Europa 2.177
AS - Asia 1.315
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 12
SA - Sud America 8
OC - Oceania 7
AF - Africa 2
Totale 10.360
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 6.703
IT - Italia 790
CN - Cina 722
UA - Ucraina 579
VN - Vietnam 335
SE - Svezia 222
DE - Germania 151
SG - Singapore 148
CA - Canada 133
GB - Regno Unito 129
FI - Finlandia 110
FR - Francia 73
IE - Irlanda 63
HK - Hong Kong 36
TR - Turchia 33
IN - India 18
BE - Belgio 14
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 13
EU - Europa 10
NL - Olanda 10
IR - Iran 7
AU - Australia 6
RU - Federazione Russa 6
BG - Bulgaria 5
ES - Italia 4
TW - Taiwan 4
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 3
AT - Austria 2
BR - Brasile 2
CO - Colombia 2
JP - Giappone 2
MX - Messico 2
RO - Romania 2
SA - Arabia Saudita 2
XK - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.XK??? 2
ZA - Sudafrica 2
AR - Argentina 1
BY - Bielorussia 1
CL - Cile 1
DK - Danimarca 1
FK - Isole Falkland (Malvinas) 1
GR - Grecia 1
ID - Indonesia 1
JM - Giamaica 1
KW - Kuwait 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MY - Malesia 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PE - Perù 1
PK - Pakistan 1
Totale 10.360
Città #
Woodbridge 834
Fairfield 748
Ann Arbor 609
Houston 565
Jacksonville 516
Chandler 478
Ashburn 444
Seattle 340
Dong Ket 335
Wilmington 313
Cambridge 245
Nanjing 214
Boardman 197
Centro 154
Toronto 123
Singapore 115
Nanchang 102
Princeton 95
Beijing 90
New York 71
Ogden 52
Dublin 50
Milan 39
Tianjin 36
Hong Kong 35
Helsinki 34
Shenyang 32
Changsha 31
Kunming 29
San Diego 28
Hangzhou 27
Naples 27
Jiaxing 23
Hebei 22
Potenza 22
Rome 22
San Francisco 22
Dearborn 19
Jinan 17
Kocaeli 17
Los Angeles 17
Bari 15
Lanzhou 15
London 15
Brussels 14
Changchun 14
Pune 13
Guangzhou 12
Indiana 11
Porto Sant'elpidio 11
Ningbo 10
Santa Clara 10
Catanzaro 9
Shanghai 9
Redwood City 8
Zhengzhou 8
Florence 7
Norwalk 7
Verona 7
Bologna 6
Brno 6
Des Moines 6
Turin 6
Venice 6
Como 5
Hounslow 5
Kilburn 5
Munich 5
Parma 5
Sofia 5
Taizhou 5
Benevento 4
Chiswick 4
Islington 4
Leawood 4
Menlo Park 4
Napoli 4
Recale 4
San Giorgio del Sannio 4
Shenkeng District 4
Somma Vesuviana 4
Tehran 4
Acton 3
Al Ain City 3
Altamura 3
Ankara 3
Bagheria 3
Bolzano 3
Cancellara 3
Casoria 3
Castelfranco Emilia 3
Chicago 3
Chieti 3
Falls Church 3
Fuzhou 3
Genoa 3
Lexington 3
Melbourne 3
Molfetta 3
Nola 3
Totale 7.547
Nome #
La frana di costa della Gaveta a Potenza: analisi preliminare 233
Brillouin optical time-domain analysis for geotechnical monitoring 206
Benchmark of constitutive models for unsaturated soils 200
Pore water pressures induced by historical rain series in a clayey landslide: 3D modeling 194
Interpretation of the behaviour of compacted soils using Cam-Clay extended to unsaturated conditions. 193
Brillouin Optical Time Domain Analysis for Geotechnical Monitoring 189
Relationships between rain and displacements of an active earthflow: a data-driven approach by EPRMOGA 185
An earthflow in structurally complex formations of the Italian Southern Apennines: Geological structure and kinematics 184
Electrical Resistivity Tomography and geotechnical techniques for the stability analysis of the Tricarico landslide 181
Distributed fibre optic sensing techniques for soil slope monitoring 178
Chemical Clay Soil Improvement: from laboratory to field test 176
Effects of net stress and suction history on the small strain stiffness of a compacted clayey silt. 173
Plastic and viscous shear displacements of a deep and very slow landslide in stiff clay formation 164
In situ and satellite long-term monitoring of the Latronico landslide, Italy: displacement evolution, damage to buildings, and effectiveness of remedial works 159
Pore fluid composition in a clayey landslide of marine origin and its influence on shear strength along the slip surface 157
Coupled effect of pluviometric regime and soil properties on hydraulic boundary conditions and on slope stability 156
Analysis of transient pore pressure distribution and safety factor of a slow clayey deep-seated landslide by 2D and 3D models 154
Fiber optic based inclinometer for remote monitoring of landslides: On site comparison with traditional inclinometers 154
Distributed Fiber Optic Sensors for the Monitoring of a Tunnel Crossing a Landslide 153
Fiber optic based inclinometer for remote monitoring of landslides: on site comparison with traditional inclinometers 147
Structure and kinematics of a landslide in a complex clayey formation of the Italian Southern Apennines 146
Surface displacements of two landslides evaluated by GPS and inclinometer systems: a case study in Southern Apennines, Italy 142
Effects of moulding water content on the behaviour of an unsaturated silty sand. 142
Surface and deep displacements evaluated by GPS and inclinometers in a clayey slope. 142
Geotechnical characterization of a landslide in a Blue Clay slope 140
Small strain behavior of a silty sand in controlled-suction resonant column – torsional shear tests 139
Long-Term Monitoring of Landslide Displacements and Damage at Latronico, Italian Apennines 139
Influence of pore fluid composition on the residual strength of a clayey landslide 138
Modelling the influence of stress-strain history on the initial shear stiffness of an unsaturated compacted silt. 137
Monitoring of urban landslides with very high resolution data: the case study of Latronico 137
Pore water pressures and slope stability: a joint geophysical and geotechnical analysis. 135
Modeling of Landslide–Tunnel Interaction: the Varco d’Izzo Case Study 135
Effect of compaction water content on the drained and undrained behaviour of an unsaturated kaolin 132
Interaction of a railway tunnel with a deep slow landslide in clay shales 132
Monitoring and analysis of an earthflow in tectonized clay shales and study of a remedial intervention by KCl wells 132
Geometria e cinematica di una frana lenta in argille consistenti. 131
Effects of stress-strain history on the initial shear stiffness of an unsaturated compacted silt. 130
Residual strength and creep behaviour on the slip surface of specimens of a landslide in marine origin clay shales: influence of pore fluid composition 129
The Spineto Landslide: pore pressure measurements and analyses. 127
Compressibility and residual shear strength of smectitic clays: influence of pore aqueous solutions and organic solvents 126
Application to a compacted soil of a Cam Clay model extended to unsaturated conditions 122
Benchmarking selection of parameter values for the Barcelona basic model 122
Long-Term Displacement Monitoring of Slow Earthflows by Inclinometers and GPS, and Wide Area Surveillance by COSMO-SkyMed Data 114
Displacements of a large landslide in structurally complex clays 112
Hydraulic Conductivity and Pore Water Pressures in a Clayey Landslide: Experimental Data 110
Compressibility and strength of active clays: influence of pore fluid dielectric constant 99
Monitoring of the movements of a deep, slow, clayey landslide and 3D interpretation 98
Analisi 3D del legame piogge - pressioni interstiziali - spostamenti di una frana lenta in argille consistenti 98
analisi 3d dell’influenza delle piogge sulle pressioni interstiziali di una frana profonda in terreni argillosi 98
Resistenza residua a taglio di un’argilla illitica: influenza della velocità di scorrimento, della composizione del fluido interstiziale, della modalità di taglio 97
Influence of 3D geometry and pore pressure distribution on the safety factor of a deep earthslide in a clay slope. 97
Landslide-pile-tunnel interaction by 2D and 3D finite element modelling 97
Ant colony optimization for slope stability analysis applied to an embankment failure in eastern India 97
Analisi degli spostamenti di una frana lenta in argille consistenti 94
Soil behaviour in the small and the large strain range under controlled suction conditions. 94
A possible mechanism of movements of an ancient clayey landslide 92
Analisi delle pressioni interstiziali nella frana del Carmine a Tricarico. 91
Some considerations on the mechanics of a large earthslide in stiff clays 89
Small strain behaviour of soils in controlled suction conditions. Panel Lecture 86
Mechanical testing in unsaturated soils. State of the art report, Experus 2005, International Symposium on Advanced Experimental Unsaturated soil Mechanics, Trento, 27-29 Giugno 2005. 85
creep da taglio associato a variazioni di composizione del fluido interstiziale in un provino di argilla al residuo 82
Analisi degli spostamenti di una colata lenta in Argille Varicolori e del loro legame con le piogge 82
Soil behaviour in suction controlled cyclic and dynamic torsional shear test. 81
Una colata in Crete Nere a Trecchina: analisi preliminare 80
Spostamenti plastici e viscosi di una frana lenta in argille consistenti 77
La Frana di Costa della Gaveta (Potenza, Basilicata) 75
Geometria di un esteso e complesso sistema franoso in Argille Varicolori. 75
Effetti del grado di saturazione sulla compressibilità di due terreni costipati. 73
Misure di rigidezza a piccole deformazioni in prove a suzione controllata 72
Effetti della storia tensionale sulla rigidezza a piccole deformazioni di un limo parzialmente saturo 69
Nuove esperienze sulla compressibilità di terreni a grana fina parzialmente saturi 68
The behaviour of two unsaturated compacted soils used as construction materials. 68
Riflessioni sulla cinematica di una grande colata attiva della valle del Basento 68
La sperimentazione sui terreni non saturi: tecniche e procedure di laboratorio. Relazione di Panel al XX Convegno Nazionale di Geotecnica, Parma, 22-25 settembre 1999 66
Un’apparecchiatura di taglio torsionale e colonna risonante per terreni parzialmente saturi 65
Integrazione di tecniche di monitoraggio da terra e da satellite per lo studio di due frane a cinematica lenta 65
Effetto del contenuto d'acqua e della composizione del liquido di porosità sul comportamento drenato e non drenato di un caolino parzialmente saturo 64
Structural damage caused by swelling of the foundation soil: a case history 62
Influenza delle piogge sul coefficiente di sicurezza di una frana lenta in Argille Varicolori 61
La frana di Costa della Gaveta a Potenza 57
Misure di spostamenti superficiali e profondi in un versante argilloso in frana 57
In situ and satellite long-term monitoring of slow clayey landslides and of the structures built on them 54
Interpretazione del comportamento di un limo parzialmente saturo tramite un modello elasto-plastico mono-tensoriale 53
Influenza della costante dielettrica del fluido interstiziale sulle proprietà intrinseche delle argille sature 51
Pore water pressures and hydraulic conductivity and in a clayey earthflow: experimental data in the landslide body, in the slip band and in the stable soil 50
Conducibilità idraulica e pressioni interstiziali in una colata in Argille Varicolori 49
Pore water pressures and hydraulic conductivity in the slip zone of a clayey earthflow: experimentation and modelling 48
Interazione di una galleria artificiale con l’accumulo di una frana in argille 46
Long-Term Monitoring of a Tunnel in a Landslide Prone Area by Distributed Optical Fiber Sensors 44
Spostamenti dell'abitato di Latronico: confronto fra misure inclinometriche e misure satellitari 43
Natural and Artificial Unsaturated Soil Slopes 43
Spostamenti e pressioni interstiziali di una grande frana in formazioni strutturalmente complesse: effetti di un sistema di pozzi drenanti 37
Monitoraggio degli spostamenti di frane argillose lente mediante sistemi integrati di inclinometri e stazioni GPS, e confronto con dati COSMOSkyMed 35
Ground and satellite long-term monitoring of two slow-moving urbanized earthflows of the Italian Southern Apennines 32
Long-Term Monitoring of a Tunnel in a Landslide Prone Area by Brillouin-Based Distributed Optical Fiber Sensors 30
A complex slope deformation case—history 28
Earthflows in the Basento valley: hydraulic characteristics influencing their kinematics 18
Totale 10.662
Categoria #
all - tutte 40.997
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 40.997

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.577 0 0 0 496 87 201 132 197 137 136 140 51
2020/20211.886 142 134 138 117 135 127 116 118 61 230 190 378
2021/20221.015 90 105 139 107 68 45 35 86 66 47 41 186
2022/20231.192 152 41 28 160 162 156 6 104 233 37 74 39
2023/2024755 61 28 100 36 63 94 37 86 117 11 18 104
2024/2025382 53 34 265 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 10.707