OCCORSIO, Donatella
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 5.444
EU - Europa 1.349
AS - Asia 1.188
AF - Africa 62
OC - Oceania 4
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 3
SA - Sud America 3
Totale 8.053
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 5.356
CN - Cina 700
UA - Ucraina 456
IT - Italia 175
VN - Vietnam 173
SG - Singapore 168
SE - Svezia 160
DE - Germania 134
GB - Regno Unito 133
HK - Hong Kong 94
CA - Canada 88
FI - Finlandia 83
DZ - Algeria 54
IE - Irlanda 53
FR - Francia 42
AT - Austria 33
RO - Romania 26
BE - Belgio 19
IN - India 18
TR - Turchia 17
NL - Olanda 16
MA - Marocco 5
AU - Australia 4
IR - Iran 4
NO - Norvegia 4
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 3
EG - Egitto 3
ES - Italia 3
EU - Europa 3
JP - Giappone 3
PK - Pakistan 3
PL - Polonia 3
AM - Armenia 2
EE - Estonia 2
BD - Bangladesh 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
BO - Bolivia 1
BR - Brasile 1
HU - Ungheria 1
ID - Indonesia 1
IS - Islanda 1
KR - Corea 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
MY - Malesia 1
SI - Slovenia 1
TH - Thailandia 1
VE - Venezuela 1
Totale 8.053
Città #
Woodbridge 738
Ann Arbor 627
Fairfield 545
Houston 519
Jacksonville 420
Chandler 342
Ashburn 340
Wilmington 215
Nanjing 207
Seattle 206
Cambridge 177
Dong Ket 172
Boardman 129
Singapore 127
Nanchang 91
Hong Kong 88
Beijing 87
Toronto 86
Princeton 78
Dearborn 65
Ogden 55
Dublin 53
Munich 41
Kunming 40
New York 39
Tianjin 35
Vienna 33
Shenyang 30
Milan 29
Helsinki 27
Changsha 26
Centro 24
London 24
Hebei 23
San Diego 23
Timisoara 22
Brussels 19
Washington 18
Hangzhou 17
Zhengzhou 17
Ningbo 16
Jiaxing 15
Santa Clara 15
Changchun 13
Kocaeli 13
Napoli 13
Shanghai 13
San Francisco 12
Jinan 11
Kilburn 10
Des Moines 9
Guangzhou 9
North Bergen 9
Norwalk 9
Verona 9
Amsterdam 8
Lanzhou 8
Los Angeles 8
Pune 7
Annaba 6
Auburn Hills 6
Batna City 6
Indiana 6
Prescot 6
The Hague 6
Cagliari 5
Maratea 5
Souk Ahras 5
Taizhou 5
Taranto 5
Islington 4
Nagold 4
Potenza 4
Quanzhou 4
Bari 3
Bhubaneswar 3
Borås 3
Central 3
Haikou 3
Hounslow 3
Jamshoro 3
Khenchela 3
Kowloon City 3
Tehran 3
Trondheim 3
Vicenza 3
Agadir 2
Ain Fakroun 2
Bellaterra 2
Bengaluru 2
Brno 2
Cairo 2
Camerino 2
Canberra 2
Chambéry 2
Chennai 2
Chicago 2
Chiswick 2
Constantine 2
Fano 2
Totale 6.202
Nome #
Numerical Methods for Fredholm Integral Equations on the square 193
Convergence of extended Lagrange interpolation in weighted L_p norm 176
Approximation of Hilbert and Hadamard transforms on (0, +∞) 174
Convergence of extended Lagrange interpolation 168
Nystrom method for Fredholm integral equations of the second kind in two variables on a triangle 159
Uniform convergence of derivatives of extended Lagrange interpolation. 157
Bivariate Generalized Bernstein operators and their application to fredholm integral equations 151
Extended lagrange interpolation in L1 spaces 150
Extended Lagrange interpolation in weighted uniform norm 146
Nystrom methods for Fredholm integral equations using equispaced points 146
Optimal systems of nodes for Lagrange interpolation on bounded intervals. A survey 144
Cubature formulae for nearly singular and highly oscillating integrals 141
A Bivariate Generalized Bernstein Operator and its application to Fredholm Integral Equations 140
Numerical Approximation of weakly singular integrals on the half-line 140
Some quadrature formulae with non standard weights 137
Extended Lagrange interpolation on the real line 136
Interlacing properties of the zeros of the orthogonal polynomials and approximation of the Hilbert transform 136
A new quadrature scheme based on an Extended Lagrange Interpolation process 136
Some Numerical algorithms to evaluate Hadamard finite part integrals 133
Nystr\"om methods for two-dimensional Fredholm integral equations on unbounded domains 131
Nystrom methods for bivariate Fredholm integral equations on unbounded domains 131
On the simultaneous approximation of a Hilbert transform and its derivatives on the real semiaxis 125
Numerical methods for Fredholm integral equations on the square 124
The numerical computation of some integrals on the real line 121
Comparison between two possible generalizations of Bèzier curves 120
Legendre polynomials of the second kind, Fourier series and Lagrange interpolation 120
Markov-Sonin gaussian rule for singular functions 120
Numerical computation of hypersingular integrals on the real semiaxis 117
The Lp-weighted Lagrange interpolation on Markov--Sonin zeros 116
Interlacing properties of Laguerre zeros and some applications. A survey 114
Publications de l'Institut Mathématique (Beograd) Vol. 96[110], 2014 110
Some convergence estimates for the extended interpolation 109
Approximation of Finite Hilbert and Hadamard transforms by using equally spaced nodes 107
Bernstein polynomials of matrices 106
Numerical evaluation of hypersingular integrals on the semiaxis 103
Some algorithms for the numerical evaluation of Hadamard finite parts integrals on the semi-axis 103
Approximation of a weighted Hilbert transform by using perturbed Laguerre zeros 102
Quadrature methods for integro-differential equations of Prandtl’s type in weighted spaces of continuous functions 100
Approximation of Hadamard finite-part integrals on the semiaxis 99
Uniform Weighted Approximation by Multivariate Filtered Polynomials 99
Giuseppe Mastroianni: A Master in Interpolation Processes 98
Product integration rules on the semi-axis 97
Mean Convergence of an Extended Lagrange Interpolation process on [0, \infty) 94
Approximation of the Hilbert transform on the real positive semi-axis 94
Numerical methods for two-dimensional Fredholm integral equations on unbounded domains 91
Lagrange interpolation on the semiaxis 90
On a quadrature method for Prandtl's integro-differential equations in weighted Zygmund spaces with uniform norm 89
Extended Interpolation on the real line 88
Numerical computation of a weakly singular integral operator on the real axis 88
Some new properties of Generalized Bernstein polynomials 86
Mean convergence of Fourier sums on unbounded intervals 85
Mean Convergence of the Extended Lagrange Interpolation on [0, \infty) 83
Mean Convergence of Extended Lagrange Interpolation on unbounded Intervals 83
A method to approximate Hadamard finite part transforms on the positive semiaxis 82
A mixed collocation scheme for solving second kind Fredholm integral equations in [-1,1] 82
Approximation of hypersigular integral transforms on the real axis 76
Fourier sums in Sonin-Markov polynomials 74
An extension of Bernstein operator on the semi-axis 72
Lagrange interpolation based at Sonin-Markov zeros 70
Interlacing properties of generalized Laguerre zeros and some applications 70
How to go from Bézier to Lagrange curves by means of generalized Bézier curves 69
Numerical methods for hypersingular integrals on the real line 65
Error bounds for a gauss-type quadrature rule to evaluate hypersingular integrals 64
Lagrange interpolation at Laguerre zeros in some weighted uniform spaces 59
A mixed scheme of product integration rules in (−1,1) 54
Una buona matrice di nodi 53
Filtered interpolation for solving Prandtl’s integro-differential equations 50
Lagrange Interpolation on unbounded intervals and some applications 48
Uniform weighted approximation on the square by polynomial interpolation at Chebyshev nodes 48
A numerical method for finite-part integrals 37
Some numerical applications of generalized Bernstein operators 34
Combining Nyström methods for a fast solution of Fredholm integral equations of the second kind 33
A projection method with smoothing transformation for second kind Volterra integral equations 31
A discretization method for nonlocal diffusion type equations 27
Filtered integration rules for finite weighted Hilbert transforms 27
A Nyström method for Volterra-Fredholm integral equations with highly oscillatory kernel 26
A product integration rule on equispaced nodes for highly oscillating integrals 20
Compounded Product Integration rules on (0, +∞) 19
Filtered integration rules for finite weighted Hilbert transforms II 17
Weakly singular linear Volterra integral equations: A Nyström method in weighted spaces of continuous functions 17
Some remarks on filtered polynomial interpolation at Chebyshev nodes 17
On the numerical solution of Volterra integral equations on equispaced nodes 16
Computing integrals with an exponential weight on the real axis in floating point arithmetic 13
Product integration rules by the constrained mock-Chebyshev least squares operator 13
On the filtered polynomial interpolation at Chebyshev nodes 13
Lagrange–Chebyshev Interpolation for image resizing 13
On solving some Cauchy singular integral equations by de la Vallée Poussin filtered approximation 12
An Open Image Resizing Framework for Remote Sensing Applications and Beyond 12
Numerical approximation of Fredholm integral equation by the constrained mock-Chebyshev least squares operator 7
Special Issue on functional analysis, approximation theory and numerical analysis (FAATNA20>22) 6
Image Scaling by de la Vallée-Poussin Filtered Interpolation 6
A high order numerical scheme for a nonlinear nonlocal reaction–diffusion model arising in population theory 5
Analysis of a line method for reaction-diffusion models of nonlocal type 4
Approximation of the Hilbert transform on the half–line 2
Totale 8.258
Categoria #
all - tutte 37.474
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 37.474

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020706 0 0 0 0 0 172 113 161 111 82 55 12
2020/20211.288 101 111 49 101 48 150 37 90 43 196 152 210
2021/2022692 45 78 88 62 35 25 37 61 34 26 51 150
2022/2023820 108 3 14 130 95 128 1 76 183 12 52 18
2023/2024719 50 28 69 25 71 141 28 19 186 21 20 61
2024/2025469 36 22 200 115 34 62 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 8.258