Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 19.817
EU - Europa 6.090
AS - Asia 5.312
OC - Oceania 40
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 31
AF - Africa 24
SA - Sud America 22
Totale 31.336
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 19.321
CN - Cina 2.531
UA - Ucraina 2.005
VN - Vietnam 1.431
DE - Germania 1.123
IT - Italia 770
HK - Hong Kong 647
SE - Svezia 568
SG - Singapore 568
GB - Regno Unito 560
CA - Canada 493
FI - Finlandia 439
FR - Francia 298
IE - Irlanda 119
BE - Belgio 51
RU - Federazione Russa 48
TR - Turchia 37
AT - Austria 33
EU - Europa 31
IN - India 28
NL - Olanda 27
AU - Australia 25
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 15
LT - Lituania 10
KR - Corea 9
SC - Seychelles 9
DZ - Algeria 8
ID - Indonesia 7
PL - Polonia 7
AR - Argentina 6
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 6
PH - Filippine 6
TH - Thailandia 6
ES - Italia 5
IR - Iran 5
PK - Pakistan 5
BR - Brasile 4
IL - Israele 4
RO - Romania 4
BY - Bielorussia 3
CH - Svizzera 3
CO - Colombia 3
HU - Ungheria 3
JP - Giappone 3
MY - Malesia 3
VE - Venezuela 3
ZA - Sudafrica 3
AZ - Azerbaigian 2
BD - Bangladesh 2
CL - Cile 2
CR - Costa Rica 2
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 2
MN - Mongolia 2
PE - Perù 2
PS - Palestinian Territory 2
PT - Portogallo 2
SA - Arabia Saudita 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AM - Armenia 1
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
BJ - Benin 1
BO - Bolivia 1
EC - Ecuador 1
EE - Estonia 1
EG - Egitto 1
GE - Georgia 1
HR - Croazia 1
KW - Kuwait 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
LB - Libano 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
NG - Nigeria 1
PA - Panama 1
QA - Qatar 1
SD - Sudan 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
SY - Repubblica araba siriana 1
TW - Taiwan 1
Totale 31.336
Città #
Woodbridge 2.780
Ann Arbor 2.274
Fairfield 2.016
Jacksonville 1.763
Houston 1.643
Dong Ket 1.430
Chandler 1.256
Ashburn 1.229
Wilmington 815
Nanjing 765
Seattle 764
Cambridge 674
Hong Kong 644
Boardman 500
Toronto 446
Singapore 443
Beijing 424
Princeton 300
Nanchang 289
Ogden 181
Helsinki 164
Shenyang 143
Kunming 137
Tianjin 128
Dublin 118
Milan 110
New York 105
Changsha 98
Hebei 98
San Diego 81
Centro 79
London 71
Jiaxing 64
Hangzhou 63
Brussels 51
Verona 47
Santa Clara 46
Changchun 45
Munich 45
Ottawa 41
Los Angeles 36
Kocaeli 31
Lanzhou 31
Vienna 31
San Francisco 30
Falls Church 28
Jinan 27
Des Moines 26
Norwalk 24
Rome 24
Guangzhou 23
Potenza 23
Dearborn 21
Shanghai 20
Taizhou 18
Auburn Hills 17
Ningbo 17
Venezia 17
Bari 15
Haikou 15
Foggia 14
Frankfurt am Main 14
Naples 14
Kilburn 13
Redwood City 13
Zhengzhou 13
Hounslow 12
Perugia 11
Fuzhou 10
Melbourne 10
Chiswick 9
Greymouth 9
Mountain View 9
Pune 9
Sturno 9
Acton 8
Borås 8
Sydney 8
Campobasso 7
Chicago 7
Esslingen am Neckar 7
Redmond 7
Venice 7
Amsterdam 6
Islington 6
Jinhua 6
San Severo 6
Shenzhen 6
Tappahannock 6
Wandsworth 6
Canberra 5
Hanover 5
Indiana 5
Napoli 5
Palmerston North 5
Pignola 5
Prescot 5
Reggio Calabria 5
Simi Valley 5
Acerra 4
Totale 23.163
Nome #
Feeding, Nutrition and Sustainability in Dairy Enterprises: The Case of Mediterranean Buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) 254
Environmental impacts of Italian beef production: A comparison between different systems 217
Acceptability and intramuscular collagen properties of Podolian beef as affected by ageing 213
Effect of information about animal welfare, expressed in terms of rearing conditions, on lamb acceptability. 213
Behaviour and meat quality of Podolian young bulls 213
Effect of adjuncts on microbiological and chemical properties of Scamorza cheese 208
Sensory properties affecting acceptability of “Bresaola” from Podolian young bulls 203
Effect of grazing and dietary protein on eating quality of Podolian beef 197
Sustainability and welfare of Podolian cattle 196
Effect of pen size on behavioral, endocrine and immune responses of water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) calves 194
Qualitative assessment of dairy cattle welfare. 194
Behavioral, adrenal, immune and productive responses of lactating ewes to regrouping and relocation. 187
Effect of age at slaughter on carcass traits, fatty acid composition and lipid oxidation of Apulian lambs 187
The Hidden Costs of Livestock Environmental Sustainability: The Case of Podolian Cattle 187
Tenderness, pH and acceptability of meat from Podolian and Limousine x Podolian young bulls 186
A continuous recording approach to qualitative behaviour assessment in dairy buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) 185
Effect of preservative addition on sensory and dynamic profile of Lucanian dry-sausages as assessed by quantitative descriptive analysis and temporal dominance of sensations 184
Fatty acid profile, cholesterol content and tenderness of ostrich meat as influenced by age at slaughter and muscle type. 182
Fatty acid profile, cholesterol content and tenderness of meat from Podolian young bulls. 180
Qualitative assessment of buffalo behaviour temporal fluctuations 179
Effect of information about organic production on beef liking and consumer willingness to pay 177
Effect of information about animal welfare and product nutritional properties on acceptability of meat from podolian cattle 176
Dietary preferences in adult and juvenile goats. 174
Consumer liking and willingness to pay high welfare animal based products 173
Mapping the effect of information about animal welfare on consumer liking and willingness to pay for yogurt 172
Consumer preference for chicken breast may be more affected by information on organic production than by product sensory properties 171
Computer vision system for image analysis of visible fat in dry sausages 168
Behavior and milk production of buffalo cows as affected by housing system 168
Behaviour and meat production of organically farmed unweaned lambs 168
The effect of rearing system on behavioural and immune responses of buffalo heifers 168
Composition and sensory profiling of probiotic Scamorza ewe milk cheese. 167
Image analysis with the computer vision system and the consumer test in evaluating the appearance of Lucanian dry sausage 167
Liking of traditional cheese and consumer willingness to pay 166
Omega-3 supplementation, milk quality and cow immune-competence 166
Fatty acid and sensory profiles of Caciocavallo cheese as affected by management system 165
Recent updates on the use of agro-food waste for biogas production 165
Effect of grazing and homeopathy on milk production and immunity of Merino derived ewes. 164
Effect of housing system on behavioural activity of lactating buffaloes 164
Development and validation of a quantitative frame of reference for meat sensory evaluation 164
Effect of artificial rearing on lamb welfare and meat quality 163
Meat liking, animal welfare and consumer willingness to pay 162
Positive perception of human stroking by lambs: Qualitative behaviour assessment confirms previous interpretation of quantitative data 162
Chemical, physical and sensory properties of meat from pure and crossbred Podolian bulls at different ageing times 161
Application of the Welfare Quality protocol to dairy buffalo farms: Prevalence and reliability of selected measures 159
Influence of gentling on lamb immune response and human-lamb interactions 158
Podolian beef production on pasture and in confinement 158
The behaviour and welfare of buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) in modern dairy enterprises 158
Environmental impact of dairy buffalo heifers kept on pasture or in confinement 158
Positive indicators of cattle welfare and their applicability to on-farm protocols 157
Shelf life of meat from podolian young bulls in relation to the aging method 157
Effect of information about animal welfare and product nutritional properties on acceptability of meat from Podolian cattle 157
Sensory properties, consumer liking and choice determinants of lucanian dry cured sausages 157
Methodological approach to evaluate the effects of age at slaughter and storage temperature and time on sensory profile of lamb meat. 157
Avoidance distance in sheep: Test-retest reliability and relationship with stockmen attitude 156
Monitoring the welfare of sheep in organic and conventional farms using an ANI 35 L derived method 155
Effect of group size and maize silage dietary levels on behaviour, health, carcass and meat quality of Mediterranean buffaloes 155
Conditioned inhibition of antibody response and CD4 positive cells 155
Measurement of meat color using computer vision system 155
Effect of age at slaughter on carcass traits, fatty acid composition and lipid oxidation of Apulian lambs 154
Eating quality of beef from free-range and confined Podolian young bulls 154
Sensory properties of mozzarella cheese as affected by starter cultures and preservation liquid 154
Effect of information about animal welfare on consumer willingness to pay for yogurt 153
Entrance order and side preference of dairy cows in the milking parlour 153
On-farm welfare assessment in dairy cattle and buffaloes: evaluation of some animal-based parameters. 152
Animal related variables for on-farm assessment of beef cattle welfare 152
Contrasting Attitudes towards Animal Welfare Issues within the Food Chain 152
Postpartum development of the mother-young relationship in goats. 152
Effect of pre-partum habituation to milking routine on behaviour and lactation performance of buffalo heifers 151
Effect of gradual transition from maternal to reconstituted milk on behavioural, endocrine and immune responses of lambs 150
Dairy buffalo life cycle assessment as affected by heifer rearing system 150
Effect of adjuncts on sensory properties and consumer liking of Scamorza cheese 149
Effects of early maternal separation of lambs and rearing with minimal and maximal human contact on meat quality 148
Influence of storage conditions and age at slaughter on lipid oxidation and fatty acid profile of Apulian lamb. 147
Organic label as an identifier of environmentally related quality: A consumer choice experiment on beef in Italy 147
Grazing behaviour of buffalo heifers. 146
Monitoring the on-farm welfare of sheep and goats 146
Bridging consumer perception and on-farm assessment of animal welfare 145
Cheese liking and consumer willingness to pay as affected by information about organic production 144
Influence of housing conditions and calving distance on blood metabolites in water buffalo cows. 143
Can we monitor adaptation of juvenile goats to a new social environment through continuous qualitative behaviour assessment? 143
Organoleptic properties of meat from Altamurana and Trimeticcio lambs slaughtered at two different ages 142
Qualitative assessment of dairy cattle welfare 142
Effect of milk source on welfare and weight gain of lambs. 140
Influence of space allowance on the welfare of weaned buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) calves 139
Sensory evaluation of young goat meat 137
Induction of conditioned taste aversion in goats. 134
Mapping the effect of information about animal welfare on consumer liking and willingness to pay for yogurt 133
Animal - Environment Interaction: Buffalo Behavior and Welfare 133
Time budget, social and ingestive behaviours expressed by native beef cows in Mediterranean conditions 132
Assessing temperament of Murgese foals 132
The welfare of buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) cows in relation to housing system. 131
Starter cultures and preservation liquids modulate consumer liking and shelf life of mozzarella cheese 131
pH and tenderness of meat from Podolian and Limousine x Podolian young bulls 129
Applicazione di un metodo di valutazione del benessere a livello aziendale in bovini da carne allevati in modo estensivo. Taurus Speciale, 19, 93-101. 128
Application of the Welfare Quality protocol to small-scale finishing pig farms. 128
Behaviour of buffalo cows in the milking parlor: entrance order and side preference 127
Efficiency to reach age of puberty and behaviour of buffalo heifers (Bubalus bubalis) kept on pasture or in confinement 127
The influence of early handling on the behavioural reaction of foals at 2 months of age 126
Evaluation of cattle feeding preferences using short-term trials. 126
Totale 16.123
Categoria #
all - tutte 131.636
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 131.636

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.249 0 0 0 0 0 0 363 586 364 507 355 74
2020/20215.823 419 500 249 388 349 447 303 396 138 528 551 1.555
2021/20222.592 169 398 430 195 190 92 98 210 158 67 117 468
2022/20233.081 441 10 29 421 444 512 10 296 609 61 187 61
2023/20241.486 134 75 184 43 131 217 39 71 379 29 33 151
2024/20251.907 115 68 693 131 220 143 537 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 32.339