PACELLI, Corrado
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 7.614
EU - Europa 2.423
AS - Asia 2.122
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 15
SA - Sud America 13
OC - Oceania 10
AF - Africa 4
Totale 12.201
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 7.352
CN - Cina 1.128
UA - Ucraina 770
VN - Vietnam 623
DE - Germania 549
CA - Canada 262
IT - Italia 236
SG - Singapore 231
SE - Svezia 222
GB - Regno Unito 185
FI - Finlandia 180
FR - Francia 120
HK - Hong Kong 74
IE - Irlanda 51
RU - Federazione Russa 30
AT - Austria 25
BE - Belgio 24
TR - Turchia 24
EU - Europa 15
IN - India 13
NL - Olanda 10
BR - Brasile 8
AU - Australia 7
KR - Corea 6
LT - Lituania 5
IL - Israele 4
PH - Filippine 4
ES - Italia 3
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 3
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 3
BY - Bielorussia 2
IR - Iran 2
MN - Mongolia 2
PK - Pakistan 2
RO - Romania 2
SA - Arabia Saudita 2
VE - Venezuela 2
ZA - Sudafrica 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AL - Albania 1
AR - Argentina 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
BJ - Benin 1
CL - Cile 1
CO - Colombia 1
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 1
HU - Ungheria 1
IS - Islanda 1
JP - Giappone 1
KW - Kuwait 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MY - Malesia 1
SD - Sudan 1
Totale 12.201
Città #
Woodbridge 1.265
Ann Arbor 736
Fairfield 704
Jacksonville 662
Dong Ket 623
Chandler 560
Houston 549
Ashburn 432
Nanjing 303
Seattle 269
Cambridge 257
Wilmington 255
Beijing 249
Toronto 221
Boardman 205
Singapore 171
Nanchang 131
Princeton 114
Ogden 84
Helsinki 73
Hong Kong 70
Shenyang 67
New York 58
Kunming 54
Dublin 50
Tianjin 50
Milan 45
Hebei 44
Ottawa 39
Changsha 32
Jiaxing 31
San Diego 26
Hangzhou 25
Munich 25
Vienna 25
Brussels 24
Kocaeli 22
London 22
Santa Clara 20
Los Angeles 19
Jinan 18
Centro 17
Changchun 16
Taizhou 15
Guangzhou 13
Verona 13
Norwalk 12
Shanghai 12
Auburn Hills 11
Ningbo 11
San Francisco 11
Des Moines 10
Lanzhou 10
Perugia 10
Bari 8
Borås 7
Haikou 7
Napoli 7
Rome 7
Falls Church 6
Paris 6
Pune 6
San Severo 6
Venezia 6
Zhengzhou 6
Frankfurt am Main 5
Kilburn 5
Naples 5
Bournemouth 4
Chicago 4
Fuzhou 4
Jinhua 4
Melbourne 4
Mountain View 4
Redwood City 4
Venice 4
Amsterdam 3
Caserta 3
Chiswick 3
Hounslow 3
Incheon 3
Krasnoarmeysk 3
Nürnberg 3
Rockville 3
Sydney 3
Tel Aviv 3
Wageningen 3
Washington 3
Agrigento 2
Bordighera 2
Bratislava 2
Busto Arsizio 2
Calcinato 2
Campobasso 2
Central 2
Charlotte 2
Cologne 2
Columbus 2
Esslingen am Neckar 2
Florence 2
Totale 8.969
Nome #
Feeding, Nutrition and Sustainability in Dairy Enterprises: The Case of Mediterranean Buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) 252
Environmental impacts of Italian beef production: A comparison between different systems 214
Sustainability and welfare of Podolian cattle 194
The Hidden Costs of Livestock Environmental Sustainability: The Case of Podolian Cattle 185
Effect of age at slaughter on carcass traits, fatty acid composition and lipid oxidation of Apulian lambs 184
Corpus luteum function and pregnancy outcome in buffaloes during the transition period from breeding to non-breeding season 170
Behaviour and meat production of organically farmed unweaned lambs 168
Omega-3 supplementation, milk quality and cow immune-competence 166
Effect of grazing and homeopathy on milk production and immunity of Merino derived ewes. 162
Effect of artificial rearing on lamb welfare and meat quality 162
Corpus luteum Function and Pregnancy Outcome in Buffaloes during the Transition Period from Breeding to Non-Breeding Season. 162
Rumen microflora counts in milking buffalo cows fed maize silage and sorghum silage based diets. 159
Application of the Welfare Quality protocol to dairy buffalo farms: Prevalence and reliability of selected measures 159
Podolian beef production on pasture and in confinement 156
The behaviour and welfare of buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) in modern dairy enterprises 156
Environmental impact of dairy buffalo heifers kept on pasture or in confinement 156
Shelf life of meat from podolian young bulls in relation to the aging method 155
Effect of information about animal welfare on consumer willingness to pay for yogurt 153
Animal related variables for on-farm assessment of beef cattle welfare 152
Effect of age at slaughter on carcass traits, fatty acid composition and lipid oxidation of Apulian lambs 151
Eating quality of beef from free-range and confined Podolian young bulls 151
On-farm welfare assessment in dairy cattle and buffaloes: evaluation of some animal-based parameters. 150
Corpus luteum development and function and relationship to pregnancy during the breeding season in the Mediterranean buffalo 150
Carbon footprint of milk produced at Italian buffalo farms 150
Dairy buffalo life cycle assessment as affected by heifer rearing system 150
Grazing behaviour of buffalo heifers. 144
Fatty acid composition and cholesterol content of beef from Podolian and Limousine x Podolian cattle. 138
Influence of space allowance on the welfare of weaned buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) calves 137
Effects of space availability on productive and reproductive performances in buffalo cows 137
LH peak and ovulation in buffalo cows treated for oestrus synchronization using two different hormonal schedule. 135
Relationship of body condition score and blood urea and ammonia to pregnancy in Italian Mediterranean buffaloes. 132
Animal - Environment Interaction: Buffalo Behavior and Welfare 131
Time budget, social and ingestive behaviours expressed by native beef cows in Mediterranean conditions 130
pH and tenderness of meat from Podolian and Limousine x Podolian young bulls 127
Applicazione di un metodo di valutazione del benessere a livello aziendale in bovini da carne allevati in modo estensivo. Taurus Speciale, 19, 93-101. 127
Evaluation of cattle feeding preferences using short-term trials. 126
Behaviour of buffalo cows in the milking parlor: entrance order and side preference 125
Efficiency to reach age of puberty and behaviour of buffalo heifers (Bubalus bubalis) kept on pasture or in confinement 125
LH peak and ovulation after two different estrus synchronization treatments in buffalo cows in the daylight-lengthening period 125
Efficacy of PGF2a on pre-ovulatory follicle and corpus luteum blood flow. 124
Milking behaviour of buffalo cows: entrance order and side preference in the milking parlour. 123
Effect of rearing system and homeopathy on milk production of Merino derived ewes 118
Assessment of human – animal relationship in dairy buffaloes 116
On the development of a monitoring scheme of buffalo welfare at farm level 116
Factors affecting life cycle assessment of milk produced on 6 Mediterranean buffalo farms 116
Dietary supplementation of n–3 fatty acids and milk quality of Italian Holstein cows 114
Intensive raifed and irrigate forage crop production for mediterranean italia buffalo feeding 112
Effetto del periodo di frollatura e di congelamento sulla composizione in acidi grassi e sul grado di ossidazione lipidica della carne di bovino podolico. 109
Shelf life of meat from Podolian young bulls in relation to the ageing method. 109
Shelf life and fatty acid profile of meat from Podolian cattle. 109
Relationship among preovulatory follicle, corpus luteum and progesterone in oestrus synchronized buffaloes 108
Effect of PRID treatment on conception rate in Mediterranean buffalos heifers. 108
Aspetti produttivi e qualitativi del mais da foraggio inoculato con Azospirillum 104
The relevance of natural behaviour for Podian cattle. 103
Effect of rearing systems on growth performance and carcass composition of Podolian young bulls 102
Introducing organic farming in Basilicata 100
Effects of Saccharomyces Cerevisae on in vivo organic matter digestibility and milk yield in buffalo cows. 99
Performance and meat quality of grazing Podolian young bulls: effects of different forage/concentrate supplementation 99
The welfare of dairy buffaloes 98
Effect of two different source of forage on the organic matter digestibility in Mediterranean Buffalo cows. ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE. 96
Influenza dell'alimentazione su alcune caratteristiche quanti-qualitative della carne di struzzo 96
Effect of delayed artificial insemination on conception rate using a commercially available semen sexing agent in bovine 96
Le aree protette e la razza Podolica: possibilità di sviluppo di una zootecnia sostenibile nel Mezzogiorno 95
Spontaneus rate of sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) in mitotic chromosome of sheep (Ovis Aries L.) and comparison with cattle (Bos Taurus L.), goat (Capra Hircus L.) and River Buffalo (Bunalus Bubalis L.). 93
Influence of weaning on growth dynamics of young buffalo bulls until 90 days of age 92
Assetto metabolico e immunitario di bovini Podolici allevati al pascolo 92
Diet and ageing effect on instrumental and sensory characteristics of meat from Podolian young bulls. 91
Environmental Impacts of Beef as Corrected for the Provision of Ecosystem Services. 90
Allevamento biologico del vitellone Podolico 89
Impiego di integratori a base di erbe officinali nella specie bufalina 88
Activity budgets and forage selection of Podolian cattle, a semiwild bovine breed. ISRN Zoology, 2011, 1-8 (Article ID 972804, doi:10.5402/2011/972804). 87
Comportamento alimentare di vitelloni Podolici al pascolo 87
Effect of confinement on welfare and milk quality of Sarda ewes 87
Supplementation of n–3 fatty acids and immune competence of Italian Friesian cows 86
Imput-output cost of agronomic production of crops under rotate growing condition for applying to mediterranean italian buffaloes 86
Qualitative e quantitative biomass production of improved mediterranean pasture on phytocenoses and body growing in young buffalo heifers unti puberty 85
Studio delle relazioni uomo-animale nella specie caprina 85
Effetto della somministrazione di due differenti fonti proteiche sulle performance produttive e sul profilo metabolico di vitelloni Podolici allevati secondo il metodo biologico 85
Influence of previous dietary experience on goat feeding preferences 84
Influence of housing system on behavioural and immune responses of buffalo heifers 82
Milk production and carbon footprint in two samples of Italian dairy cattle and buffalo farms. 82
Effetto dell’integrazione con acidi grassi w-3 sulle caratteristiche tecnologiche e sensoriali di lattte biologico fresco e trasformato 81
Impiego del favino nell’alimentazione dei vitelloni Podolici. 81
Entrance order and side preference of buffalo cows in the milking parlour 81
Comportamento al pascolo di bovine autoctone in aree mediterranee 80
Effect of different dietes on milk yield and quality of lactating buffaloes: maize versus sorghum silage. 80
Effect of intensive or extensive systems on buffalo heifers performance: Body measurements and respective indices. 78
Allevamento biologico del vitello Podolico 75
Studio del profilo metabolico in capre autoctone della Basilicata. 74
Tenderness of meat from Podolian young bulls: an objective to be achieved 72
L’allevamento etologico e sostenibile del bovino Podolico in Basilicata. 72
Valutare bene i costi e le diverse opportunità per le aziende bovine da latte 70
Life cycle assessment of the production of one kilogram of milk in six buffalo farms 67
Fertility parameters in lactating Mediterranean buffaloes fed two different dietes. 67
Valutazione delle caratteristiche dei pascoli utilizzati per l’allevamento biologico del bovino podolico 65
The behaviour of confined or free-range Podolian young bulls 64
L'applicazione dell'inseminazione strumentale nella bufala 64
Influenza di alcuni fattori ambientali sul profilo metabolico nel bovino podolico 62
Totale 11.642
Categoria #
all - tutte 49.635
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 49.635

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.135 0 0 0 0 0 202 152 220 144 190 201 26
2020/20212.122 151 183 93 129 73 139 92 146 41 212 186 677
2021/2022999 43 124 212 92 65 24 34 78 52 21 49 205
2022/20231.283 175 1 9 177 181 213 2 141 255 18 85 26
2023/2024700 44 30 94 21 61 131 28 31 183 5 4 68
2024/2025596 65 22 296 64 107 42 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 12.534