COPPOLA, Antonio
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 12.289
EU - Europa 2.918
AS - Asia 2.899
OC - Oceania 22
SA - Sud America 21
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 16
AF - Africa 13
Totale 18.178
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 11.836
CN - Cina 1.310
UA - Ucraina 1.068
VN - Vietnam 672
IT - Italia 454
CA - Canada 443
SG - Singapore 423
HK - Hong Kong 351
DE - Germania 289
GB - Regno Unito 278
SE - Svezia 237
FI - Finlandia 228
FR - Francia 133
IE - Irlanda 81
TR - Turchia 50
IN - India 38
NL - Olanda 37
BE - Belgio 30
AU - Australia 19
AT - Austria 18
EU - Europa 16
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 15
BR - Brasile 10
JP - Giappone 9
RU - Federazione Russa 9
IR - Iran 7
CH - Svizzera 5
IL - Israele 5
MX - Messico 5
BG - Bulgaria 4
EG - Egitto 4
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 4
MA - Marocco 4
PA - Panama 4
AL - Albania 3
AZ - Azerbaigian 3
CL - Cile 3
EE - Estonia 3
GR - Grecia 3
HU - Ungheria 3
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 3
PE - Perù 3
PL - Polonia 3
RO - Romania 3
SA - Arabia Saudita 3
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 3
TN - Tunisia 3
BY - Bielorussia 2
CO - Colombia 2
EC - Ecuador 2
ES - Italia 2
ET - Etiopia 2
GE - Georgia 2
ID - Indonesia 2
IQ - Iraq 2
KG - Kirghizistan 2
KZ - Kazakistan 2
LK - Sri Lanka 2
LU - Lussemburgo 2
LV - Lettonia 2
PH - Filippine 2
PT - Portogallo 2
TH - Thailandia 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AM - Armenia 1
AR - Argentina 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
CY - Cipro 1
HR - Croazia 1
JM - Giamaica 1
KR - Corea 1
PK - Pakistan 1
TM - Turkmenistan 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
Totale 18.178
Città #
Woodbridge 1.498
Ann Arbor 1.191
Fairfield 1.077
Jacksonville 932
Houston 917
Chandler 768
Dong Ket 671
Ashburn 519
Nanjing 440
Seattle 438
Toronto 427
Wilmington 421
Cambridge 360
Hong Kong 345
Boardman 323
Singapore 228
The Dalles 177
Beijing 176
Nanchang 168
Princeton 163
Ogden 100
Milan 87
Helsinki 86
Strasbourg 83
Dublin 74
Shenyang 66
Kunming 62
Tianjin 52
Hebei 51
Los Angeles 45
New York 45
Changsha 40
Kocaeli 40
Santa Clara 40
Jiaxing 37
San Diego 37
Hangzhou 30
London 30
Pune 29
Brussels 27
Changchun 25
Quartu Sant'Elena 25
San Francisco 25
Verona 24
Shanghai 23
Amsterdam 20
Jinan 19
Lanzhou 18
Norwalk 17
Guangzhou 15
Vienna 15
Des Moines 14
Brno 13
Eboli 13
Rome 13
Naples 12
Redwood City 12
San Nicolò d'Arcidano 11
Melbourne 10
Zhengzhou 10
Bari 9
Nuremberg 9
Centro 8
Napoli 8
São Paulo 8
Camerino 7
Falkenstein 7
Hounslow 7
Kilburn 7
Montecorvino Rovella 7
Munich 7
Chiswick 6
Frankfurt am Main 6
Montesarchio 6
Ottawa 6
Potenza 6
Taizhou 6
Atlanta 5
Cassano Allo Ionio 5
Central 5
Ningbo 5
Sydney 5
Arezzo 4
Auburn Hills 4
Bologna 4
Cagliari 4
Cairo 4
Canberra 4
Cuauhtémoc 4
Fuzhou 4
Haikou 4
Marigliano 4
Montréal 4
Paris 4
Prescot 4
Redmond 4
Stella Cilento 4
Tehran 4
Venezia 4
Venice 4
Totale 12.851
Nome #
In situ estimation of soil hydraulic and hydrodispersive properties by inversion of electromagnetic induction measurements and soil hydrological modeling 1.194
1D interpretation of chloride transport at field scale: the effect of the transport volume on the local-scale and field-scale solute transport mechanism 230
Calibration of an electromagnetic induction sensor with time-domain reflectometry data to monitor rootzone electrical conductivity under saline water irrigation 224
Dielectric Response of a Variable Saturated Soil Contaminated by Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids (NAPLs) 200
Topographical attributes to predict soil hydraulic properties along a hillslope transect 178
Soil electrical conductivity estimated by time domain reflectometry and electromagnetic induction sensors: Accounting for the different sensor observation volumes 172
Average moisture saturation effects on temporal stability of soil water spatial distribution at field scale 171
A simplified method to determine the first primary drying and wetting curves of water diffusivity of unsaturated soil 167
Simulated preferential water flow and solute transport in shrinking soils 167
Physical properties in european volcanic soils: A synthesis and recent developments 165
Calibrating electromagnetic induction conductivities with time-domain reflectometry measurements 165
Scaling Approach to Deduce Field Unsaturated Hydraulic Properties and Behavior from Laboratory Measurements on Small Cores 165
Local-scale solute transport in variously structured soils under continuous flood irrigation 163
Spatial Moments for Colloid-Enhanced Radionuclide Transport in Heterogeneous Aquifers 163
Interpreting TDR signal propagation through soils with distinct layers of nonaqueous-phase liquid and water content 163
Review of Approaches for Measuring Soil Hydraulic Properties and Assessing the Impacts of Spatial Dependence on the Results 162
Estimating Nonaqueous-Phase Liquid Content in Variably Saturated Soils Using Time Domain Reflectometry 162
Dual-permeability model for flow in shrinking soil with dominant horizontal deformation 161
Transport in preferential flow domains of the soil porous system: Measurement, interpretation, modelling, and upscaling 158
Local-scale solute transport in variously structured soils under continuous flood irrigation 158
Darcian preferential water flow and solute transport through bimodal porous systems: Experiments and modelling 158
Dielectric properties of a tilled sandy volcanic-vesuvian soil with moderate andic features 158
Evaluating the role of soil variability on potential groundwater pollution and recharge in a Mediterranean agricultural watershed 158
Root uptake under non-uniform root-zone salinity 156
Monitoring and Modeling Root-uptake Salinity Reduction Factors of a Tomato Crop under Non-uniform Soil Salinity Distribution 153
Hydrometeorological monitoring for water balance determination at plot scale 152
Comparison of Different Levels of Ecological Intensification of a Non-Heated Mediterranean Greenhouse Tomato Crop 152
Laboratory-scale study on reactive contaminant transport in soil by means of one-dimensional advective dispersive models 151
2D and 3D micromorphological analyses for improving soil hydrological characterization 149
Nonreactive solute transport in variously structured soil materials as determined by laboratory-based time domain reflectometry (TDR) 149
Methodological approach to evaluating the response of soil hydrological behavior to irrigation with treated municipal wastewater 149
Effect of Water Salinity on the Spatial Variability of Soil and Plant Parameters 149
Solute transport scales in an unsaturated stony soil 146
Time domain reflectometry-measuring dielectric permittivity to detect soil non-acqeous phase liquids contamination-decontamination processes 146
SIRR-MOD—A Decision Support System for Identifying Optimal Irrigation Water Needs at Field and District Scale 144
Transport of solutes in the field as affected by irrigation 142
Time domain reflectometry-measuring dielectric permittivity to detect soil non-acqeous phase liquids contamination-decontamination processes 142
State-space approach to evaluate spatial variability of field measured soil water status along a line transect in a volcanic-vesuvian soil 139
A soil non-aqueous phase liquid (NAPL) flushing laboratory experiment based on measuring the dielectric properties of soil-organic mixtures via time domain reflectometry (TDR) 139
Hydrological behaviour of microbiotic crusts on sand dunes: Example from NW China comparing infiltration in crusted and crust-removed soil 138
Comparison of hydraulic behaviour of unvegetated and vegetation-stabilized sand dunes in arid desert ecosystems 137
Measuring and modeling water content in stony soils 137
Urban wastewater effects on water flow and solute transport in soils 134
Monte Carlo analysis of field water flow comparing uni- and bimodal effective hydraulic parameters for structured soil 130
Stochastic analysis of a field-scale unsaturated transport experiment 128
Use of a Fractional Brownian Motion Model to Mimic Spatial Horizontal Variation of Soil Physical and Hydraulic Properties Displaying a Power-law Variogram 128
A simplified method to determine the first primary drying and wetting curves of water diffusivity of unsaturated soil 128
Hydrometeorological monitoring for water balance determination at plot scale 127
A Stochastic Texture-based Approach for Evaluating Solute Travel Times to Groundwater at Regional Scale by Coupling GIS and Transfer Function 126
A hysteresis based scaling approach to deduce field hydraulic behaviour from core scale measurements. 124
A Bimodal Arya e Paris Approach for upscaling the hydrological properties of a structured soil. 122
How does PTF interpret soil heterogeneity? A stochastic approach applied to a case study on maize in Northern Italy 122
Hysteresis in soil-water characteristics as a key to interpreting comparisons of laboratory and field measured hydraulic properties 121
Potential and limitations of using soil mapping information to understand landscape hydrology 121
A Note on the Apparent Conductivity of Stratified Porous Media in Unsaturated Steady Flow Above a Water Table 120
Mapping solute deep percolation fluxes at regional scale by integrating a process-based vadose zone model in a Monte Carlo approach 117
Evaluating the Role of Soil Variability on Potential Groundwater Pollution and Recharge in a Mediterranean Agricultural Watershed 117
Identifying optimal irrigation water needs at district scale by using a physically based agro-hydrological model 117
Modelling of preferential water flow through an unsaturated espansive soil 116
Effectiveness of equilibrium and physical non-equilibrium approaches for interpreting solute transport through variously structured soils 115
Assessment of soil electromagnetic parameters and their variation with soil water, salts: a comparison among EMI and TDR measuring methods 114
Unimodal and Bimodal Descriptions of Hydraulic Properties for Aggregated Soils 112
Soil water status as a stochastic process: analysis of field spatial variability 111
Spatial structure analysis of field measurement soil water status along a line transect in a sandy soil 110
Heterogeneous solute transport in a tile-drained field. 109
Assesing spatial variability of selected soil hydraulic properties using analisys of internal drainage experiments 109
A comparative analysis of the pore system in COST 622 volcanic soils by means of water retention measurements and image analysis 105
Coupling transfer function and GIS for assessing non-point source groundwater vulnerability assessments at regional scale 104
Comparing bulk electrical conductivities spatial series obtained by Time Domain Reflectometry and Electromagnetic Induction sensors 104
Chloride transport in a "Terra Rossa" soil: Relationship between local-scale and field-scale transport parameters. 103
Identifying solute transport scale in an unsaturated stony soil by spectral analysis and scale dependence of transport variance 103
Ricostruzione di profili di contenuto d’acqua in un suolo strutturato sottoposto a lavorazioni 102
Parameterizing macroscopic root water uptake under salt stress and non-uniform salt distribution: II. Field-scale experiments 101
Non-point-source groundwater vulnerability assessments at regional scale by coupling of GIS and transfer function. 99
On The Velocity Covariance for Steady Flows in Heterogeneous Porous Formations and Its Applications To Contaminants Transport 99
Including swell-shrink dynamics in dual-permeability numerical modeling of preferential water flow and solute transport in soils 98
Detection of an organic-non volatile compound in variable-contaminated volcanic soil samples via Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) technique: Preliminary results 96
Interpretazione mediante modelli CD monodimensionali di fenomeni di trasporto di metalli pesanti nel suolo 93
Definizione in situ delle caratteristiche idrauliche dell’epipedon di un suolo vesuviano 93
Field scale solute transport modeling from horizontally variable local-scale transport parameters 93
Spatial distribution and structure of remotely sensed surface water content estimated by a thermal inertia approach 92
Analysis of solute transport parameters in miscible displacement through undisturbed soil columns. 92
Assesing spatial variability of selected soil hydraulic properties using analisys of internal drainage experiments 91
Numerical experiments to evaluate the effectiveness of a new method for scaling core-based hydraulic properties to the field. 89
Comparing spatial series of soil bulk electrical conductivity as obtained by Time Domain Reflectometry and Electrical Resistivity Tomography 89
Hydraulic characteristics of tilled and untilled field plots of a zero-tillage experiment 88
Monitoring and modeling the soil hydraulic behavior in stony soils 88
Studio del trasporto anionico nel suolo mediante l'impiego di modelli interpretativi CD e MIM monodimensionali 87
Transport properties in soils related to local-scale heterogeneities: Theoretical considerations and applications 86
Scale dependence of local water fluxes and solute transport in a field soil 86
The role of layering induced by tillage on preferential flow in a structured soil. 86
Interpretative models of dielectric behaviour of an agricultural volcanic-vesuvian soil 86
Interpretation of spatial variability of soil hydraulic properties using land system analysis 85
Transect-scale imaging of root zone electrical conductivity by inversion of multiple-height EMI measurements under different salinity conditions 84
Vulnerabilità degli acquiferi ai fitosanitari: Metodologia e rappresentazione in ambiente GIS. 83
Totale 13.876
Categoria #
all - tutte 74.147
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 74.147

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020646 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 199 213 198 36
2020/20212.878 215 215 133 241 129 218 128 187 60 323 286 743
2021/20221.553 77 183 423 49 17 41 52 94 92 44 92 389
2022/20231.821 286 4 35 276 245 275 3 164 359 38 88 48
2023/2024932 75 50 103 25 103 115 29 70 192 18 22 130
2024/20252.745 1.175 121 384 84 77 196 335 241 132 0 0 0
Totale 18.438