Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 620
EU - Europa 349
AS - Asia 243
OC - Oceania 3
SA - Sud America 2
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 1
Totale 1.218
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 574
UA - Ucraina 89
IT - Italia 73
SG - Singapore 70
SE - Svezia 59
TR - Turchia 58
VN - Vietnam 53
CA - Canada 46
DE - Germania 37
CN - Cina 35
IE - Irlanda 26
FR - Francia 24
IN - India 9
GB - Regno Unito 7
BE - Belgio 6
FI - Finlandia 6
TH - Thailandia 6
PH - Filippine 5
NL - Olanda 4
RU - Federazione Russa 4
AU - Australia 3
RO - Romania 3
TW - Taiwan 3
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 2
AT - Austria 2
BR - Brasile 2
ES - Italia 2
MY - Malesia 2
NO - Norvegia 2
PL - Polonia 2
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
EU - Europa 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
Totale 1.218
Città #
Jacksonville 110
Chandler 63
Kocaeli 58
Singapore 56
Dong Ket 53
Boardman 47
Toronto 45
Fairfield 37
Ashburn 28
Wilmington 25
Princeton 24
Dublin 18
Houston 16
Woodbridge 16
Ogden 14
Seattle 9
Cambridge 8
Dearborn 8
San Francisco 8
Ann Arbor 6
Ballinasloe 6
Brussels 6
Helsinki 6
Norwich 6
Pittsburgh 6
Hebei 5
Santa Clara 5
Bangkok 4
Bengaluru 4
Changsha 4
San Diego 4
Shenyang 4
Stadthagen 4
Tianjin 4
Florence 3
Jinan 3
Milan 3
Naples 3
Quezon City 3
Redwood City 3
Abu Dhabi 2
Amsterdam 2
Baia Mare 2
Barletta 2
Bayan Lepas 2
Bologna 2
Buffalo 2
Castel Maggiore 2
Chiang Mai 2
Des Moines 2
Frankfurt am Main 2
Huntsville 2
Mumbai 2
Nanchang 2
Nanjing 2
Norwalk 2
Orlando 2
San Chirico Nuovo 2
St Petersburg 2
Taguig 2
Taichung 2
Turin 2
Vittuone 2
As 1
Atrani 1
Avezzano 1
Balbriggan 1
Banqiao 1
Beijing 1
Bella 1
Berlin 1
Borås 1
Bratislava 1
Brindisi 1
Bucharest 1
Canberra 1
Cava De' Tirreni 1
Centro 1
Conversano 1
Geislingen an der Steige 1
Grassobbio 1
Hangzhou 1
Krasnoyarsk 1
Kākināda 1
Lanzhou 1
London 1
Melbourne 1
Miami 1
Ningbo 1
Oslo 1
Paris 1
Rome 1
Sarajevo 1
Schwechat 1
Siano 1
Smithtown 1
Sofia 1
Sterling 1
Striano 1
Sydney 1
Totale 818
Nome #
Columbus's name in the space of American collettive memory: from consecration to desecration 125
Mumbai is not Bombay: bloggers' views 73
British and Indian University Websites. A corpus based study of the 'About' page 70
'National’, ‘international’ and ‘global’ across university websites 67
Factual reporting in the ‘About’ pages of university websites 64
Emerging conventions in the verbal component of the 'About' page of British University Websites 58
Female text(ure)s and science: Ada Byron’s Notes and translation 56
Academic reading and corpora in EFL university settings 51
Testi letterari fra tastiera e monitor: un approccio integrato 49
New concepts and new terms in the European Union Environmental policy 48
The Language Around quality in British and Indian University Websites 47
La pubblicità anima la didattica 47
Hybridization in Institutional Language: Exploring we in the ‘About us’ Page of University Websites 44
Insular Toponymies: Place-naming on Norfolk Island, South Pacific and Dudley Peninsula, Kangaroo Island. 44
Le nuove tecnologie nella lettura dei classici in lingua straniera 43
Lingua e genere nella comunicazione accademica: la posta elettronica di studenti e studentesse 42
From the Spell of a Name to the Fear of a Name: Tourism and Identity 41
Translating multiple wavelenghts: Mira Nair’s The Reluctant Fundamentalist 40
The promotional English(es) of university websites 37
‘Glocal’ perspectives in the language of British and Indian university websites 37
Naming, Identity and Tourism 37
The language teacher as a promoter of language ability: L1 and L2 within the European Framework 36
Shifting Toponymies. (Re)naming Places, (Re)shaping Identities 34
India versus Bharat: (Re)naming and Identity 29
Names in Literature: Tra Suggestioni e Rifrazioni Spazio-temporali 18
Names as Metaphors in Shakespeare’s Comedies 14
MEDIAting Immigration Stories at Canada's Pier 21 10
Totale 1.261
Categoria #
all - tutte 7.673
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 7.673

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020108 0 0 0 0 0 32 23 32 3 9 1 8
2020/2021343 23 22 1 35 1 24 16 30 14 93 29 55
2021/2022234 3 20 45 46 21 2 8 18 17 1 3 50
2022/2023134 36 38 5 23 1 3 0 0 24 0 1 3
2023/2024195 27 17 17 13 23 8 2 9 19 16 8 36
2024/2025153 24 4 75 25 21 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.261