Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 6.959
EU - Europa 3.498
AS - Asia 2.152
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 31
AF - Africa 6
OC - Oceania 4
SA - Sud America 4
Totale 12.654
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 6.707
CN - Cina 1.321
IT - Italia 1.130
UA - Ucraina 1.037
VN - Vietnam 453
SE - Svezia 287
SG - Singapore 272
DE - Germania 267
CA - Canada 250
GB - Regno Unito 216
FI - Finlandia 201
FR - Francia 138
IE - Irlanda 69
TR - Turchia 67
AT - Austria 49
BE - Belgio 48
EU - Europa 31
HK - Hong Kong 24
NL - Olanda 17
PL - Polonia 11
RU - Federazione Russa 11
IN - India 6
TN - Tunisia 5
AU - Australia 4
ES - Italia 4
RO - Romania 4
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 3
IR - Iran 3
CH - Svizzera 2
HU - Ungheria 2
JO - Giordania 2
BO - Bolivia 1
BR - Brasile 1
CL - Cile 1
CR - Costa Rica 1
IL - Israele 1
KW - Kuwait 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
MX - Messico 1
NG - Nigeria 1
NO - Norvegia 1
PE - Perù 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
TW - Taiwan 1
Totale 12.654
Città #
Jacksonville 893
Woodbridge 879
Ann Arbor 874
Chandler 696
Houston 551
Nanjing 454
Dong Ket 452
Fairfield 246
Toronto 236
Boardman 232
Wilmington 212
Singapore 202
Ashburn 180
Nanchang 171
Princeton 150
Beijing 105
Seattle 90
Milan 88
Dublin 68
Cambridge 67
Tianjin 64
Ogden 62
Shenyang 61
Hebei 60
Kocaeli 60
Kunming 58
Dearborn 57
Helsinki 53
Changsha 51
Rome 51
Jiaxing 48
Brussels 47
Vienna 46
Lanzhou 36
Verona 33
Bari 32
Centro 32
Venice 32
Hangzhou 29
Jinan 29
Los Angeles 28
Santa Clara 28
Changchun 23
Hong Kong 22
Ningbo 22
Naples 21
Zhengzhou 21
Des Moines 18
Salerno 18
Shanghai 18
Chicago 17
New York 17
Bologna 15
San Diego 14
Taizhou 14
Norwalk 13
Mestre 12
Venezia 12
Auburn Hills 11
Mountain View 11
Napoli 11
Catania 10
Ottawa 10
Fuzhou 9
Rende 9
Borås 7
Dallas 7
Paris 7
Radomsko 7
San Francisco 7
Serino 7
Stuttgart 7
Trieste 7
Berlin 6
Cosenza 6
Francavilla Fontana 6
Monmouth Junction 6
Parma 6
Redmond 6
San Jose 6
Taranto 6
Torino 6
Acerra 5
Casarano 5
Casoria 5
Castello di Cisterna 5
Egham 5
Messina 5
Novara 5
Palermo 5
Viggiano 5
Wuxi 5
Bella 4
Benevento 4
Brindisi 4
London 4
Massafra 4
Orta Nova 4
Pescara 4
Pisa 4
Totale 8.383
Nome #
Carta Idrogeologica d’Italia – 1:50.000. Foglio Moliterno 489
Note Illustrative della Carta Geologica d'Italia alla scala 1: 50.000 Foglio 452 Rionero in Vulture 237
Surface sediments and macrofaunas of the Crati submarine fan (Ionian Sea, Italy) 215
Piano stralcio per la difesa del rischio idrogeologico (aree di versante) della Basilicata 171
Note Illustrative della Carta Idrogeologica d’Italia – 1:50.000. Foglio Lauria. 152
Note Illustrative della Carta Idrogeologica d’Italia – 1:50.000. Foglio Moliterno. 150
Pliocene-Quaternary submarine pumice deposits in the Sumisu Rift area, Izu Bonin Arc. 149
Underway geophysics data collected on Leg 126 146
Note Illustrative della Carta Idrogeologica d’Italia – 1:50.000. Foglio Sant'Arcangelo. 144
High-resolution imaging of the High Agri Valley basin (southern Italy) with Electrical Resistivity Tomography. 138
The Crati submarine fan, Ionian Sea. 133
Coarse-grained deltas in neotectonic srike-slip and extensional settings: tectonic and sedimentary controls on the architecture of deltas and basin fills (Crati Basin and Messina Strait, southern Italy) 128
Foglio Rionero in Vulture - Carta Geologica d’Italia1:50.000. 124
ODP Leg 126, Site 787 123
Anomalous deep waters gurgling to the surface ad impacting soils in the Val d'Agri oil field, Southern Italy. 122
Braid deltas, shelf-type and Gilbert-type fan deltas in the Crati Basin (Pliocene-Holocene, southern Italy): A consequence of varying tectonic and structural conditions. 121
ODP Leg 126 Sites 788/789 120
Deep-water trace fossils and their environmental significance in forearc and backarc Cenozoic successions around Izu-Bonin Arc, Leg 126 118
Fault-controlled marine Gilbert-type fan deltas. 117
Gilbert-type fan deltas in the Crati basin: sedimentology and tectonic setting 116
Carta Idrogeologica d’Italia – 1:50.000. Foglio Lauria. 116
Note illustrative della Carta Idrogeologica d’Italia – 1:50.000. Foglio Senise. 115
Marine Gilbert-type deltas in the lower Pleistocene of the Crati Valley (Calabria, southern Italy) 114
Hydrocarbons and metals in waters and sediments of the Pertusillo lake, Italy 114
Excursion Guidebook of the International Workshop on Fan Deltas 113
Correlation and comparison of forearc sites, ODP Leg 126 112
ODP Leg 126 Site 793 112
High-resolution images of the fault-controlled High Agri Valley basin (Southern Italy) with deep and shallow electrical resistivity tomographies. 112
Facies and depositional mechanisms of pyroclastic density currents (dry and wet surges), Lipari, Aeolian Islands, Tyrrhenian Sea. 111
Hydrocarbon contamination in waters and sediments of the Pertusillo freshwater reservoir, Val d'Agri, Southern Italy 111
Calabrian Arc (southern italy) 111
Calcareous nannofossils from the Crati Basin 110
Coarse-Grained Deltas. Preface. 110
ODP LEG 126, Site 792 110
Correlation and comparison of backarc sites. 108
I caratteri originali della nostra terra. 107
Abstracts of the International Workshop on Fan Deltas, Calabria 107
Pliocene-Holocene fan deltas and braid deltas in the Crati basin: a consequence of varying tectonic conditions. 105
An intermontane Pleistocene marine Gilbert-type delta in the Crati Valley Basin (Calabria, southern Italy). 104
ODP Leg 126 Explanatory Notes 104
Arc, volcanism and rifting 104
STRATCON '98 : Strata and Sequences on Shelves and Slopes - SEPM research Conference. Abstract Volume. 102
Stratigraphy and basin-fill architecture of the Plio-Pleistocene Catania Plain foredeep basin (eastern Sicily: a preliminary synthesis. 102
Braided-sandy versus meandering-gravelly channels in a Upper Pliocene fan-delta system. 101
Sedimentary evolution of the Mt. Torre Basin (Plio-Pleistocene, southern Calabria). A preliminary note. 100
Hydrocarbons in sediments and waters of the Pertusillo dam, Italy 100
Excursions Guidebook of STRATCON '98 "Strata and Sequences on shelves and slopes" - SEPM Research Conference 100
Anomalous deep waters gurgling to the surface ad impacting soils in the Val d'Agri oil field, Southern Italy. 99
Considerazioni paleoclimatiche in base allo studio mineralogico delle Argille subappennine pleistoceniche affioranti presso Montescaglioso (MT). 97
Atti della Riunione Annuale del Gruppo Informale di Sedimentologia del CNR 96
Carta Idrogeologica d’Italia – 1:50.000. Foglio Sant'Arcangelo. 95
Preliminary core analysis of Crati submarine fan deposits 94
ODP LEG 126, Sites 790/791 94
High-resolution images of the fault-controlled high Agri Valley basin (Southern Italy) with the electrical resistivity tomography 94
Carta Idrogeologica d’Italia – 1:50.000. Foglio Senise. 93
Introduzione alla Geologia del bacino dell'Alta Val d'Agri 93
Sedimentology and tectonic setting of fan-delta systems (with examples from the Mediterranean region) 92
Active tidal sand waves at bathyal depths observed from sumersible and bathysphere (Messina Strait, southern Italy). 92
Sedimentological evidence of paleosismicity along the Pollino oblique-slip fault system (southern Apennines) 90
Occurrence of sandwaves and Echinocardium traces in a bathyal setting (Mt. Paleostrait. Pliocene, Pleistocene, southern Italy). 90
Occurrence of fluvial-dominated and wave-influenced Gilbert-type fan deltas in the Crati basin (Pleistocene, southern Italy) 88
Stratigraphic evidence of oblique motion (left-lateral) along the marginal fault of the Crati basin (Pliocene-Holocene, southern Italy) 87
Fluvial-dominated and wave-influenced Gilbert-type fan deltas in the extensional Crati Basin (Pleistocene, southern Italy) 87
Pliocene fan deltas of the Intrappenninic Basin, Bologna. 86
Upslope-climbing pyroclastic surge deposits of the Mt. Guardia sequence, Lipari island (Tyrrhenian sea). 86
Introduction ODP Leg 126 85
High-resolution scanning-sonar survey of the delta-slope and inner-fan channels of the Crati submarine fan. 84
Conference stresses relevance of marine strata to today's issues 83
COARSE-GRAINED DELTAS. Special Publication n. 10 of the International Association of Sedimentologists (IAS) 83
Medium-scale tractive bedforms and structures in Gorgoglione Flysch (Lower Miocene, southern Apennines, Italy). 82
Tectonic controls on fan-delta depositional systems in rift basins 82
Atti della Riunione del Gruppo di Sedimentologia, Catania 82
Coarse-grained point bars and channel-mouth bars along Zena Valley (Bologna Intrapenninic Basin, Italy). 82
Crati fan, Mediterranean 81
Il Bacino del Crati (Calabria meridionale) 81
Turbidite megabeds and debris-flow deposits in the Albidona Formation (Early Oligocene-Early Miocene, southern Apennines, Italy) 81
Il bacino di Cassano (Calabria meridionale) 81
Quaternary Gilbert-type deltas in the Messina Strait 80
Sedimentation, deformational events and eustacy in the perityrrhenian Amantea basin: preliminary synthesis. 80
Largely migrating tidal dunes; present-day and neogene examples in the Calabrian Arc (southern Italy) 80
Evidenze di tettonica transpressiva tortoniana nel Bacino di Amantea (Calabria) 78
Hydrocarbons in water and sediments in the Pertusillo Lake, Val d'Agri, Italy 77
Sedimentology and tectonic settings of fan-delta systems (with examples from Mediterranean regions). 77
Eustacy, tectonics and their controls on the depositional patterns of clinostratified shoreface carbonates (late Pliocene, Sicily) 76
Sedimentazione e tettonica distensiva e trascorrente nel Bacino di Amantea 75
La struttura del bacino dell'Alta Val d'Agri (Pleistocene, Basilicata): un'immagine inedita ricavata dall'analisi stratigrafica dei pozzi e da tomografie geoelettriche profonde (ERT). 74
Fault-controlled Gilbert-type fan deltas 74
Evidenze stratigrafiche del carattere trascorrente sinistro della zona di faglie del Pollino. Valutazioni sulla velocità di trascorrenza. 74
I depositi attuali della conoide sottomarina del Crati (Golfo di Taranto) 74
Studio sedimentologico e paleoecologico su alcune sezioni plio-pleistoceniche affioranti presso Cerignola (FG) 74
Marine gravel Gilbert-type fan deltas, Crati basin (Pleistocene, southern Italy) 74
Sinuous delta-slope and inner-fan channels of the late Holocene Crati fan system, southern Italy 74
Synorogenic turbidites: the Albidona Formation, Upper Oligocene 74
Neogene-Quaternary Basins of the Inner Apennines and Calabrian Arc, Italy. 73
Presenza di canali sinuosi nella conoide sottomarina del Crati (Golfo di Taranto), rilevata mediante l'uso del Side Scan Sonar. 73
Guida alle escursioni sui depositi della Fossa Bradanica. 73
The Crati submarine fan, Ionian Sea. 72
Marine Gilbert-type deltas in the Lower Pleistocene of the Crati Valley (Calabria, southern italy) 72
I depositi dello Stretto di Messina, un'area ad elevata instabilità ambientale. 71
The Crati submarine fan 71
Totale 10.488
Categoria #
all - tutte 49.018
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 49.018

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020931 0 0 0 0 0 226 137 226 76 190 45 31
2020/20212.060 174 195 84 171 72 175 31 171 31 277 190 489
2021/20221.151 31 175 245 126 91 12 23 92 83 38 50 185
2022/20231.616 237 14 29 206 238 232 0 156 352 46 84 22
2023/2024624 61 75 85 20 57 36 10 48 129 11 16 76
2024/2025642 83 28 347 70 45 69 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 13.374