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Since the last IAEA Conference JET has been in operation for one year with a programmatic focus on the qualification of ITER operating scenarios, the consolidation of ITER design choices and preparation for plasma operation with the ITER-like wall presently being installed in JET. Good progress has been achieved, including stationary ELMy H-mode operation at 4.5 MA. The high confinement hybrid scenario has been extended to high triangularity, lower ρ* and to pulse lengths comparable to the resistive time. The steady-state scenario has also been extended to lower ρ* and ν* and optimized to simultaneously achieve, under stationary conditions, ITER-like values of all other relevant normalized parameters. A dedicated helium campaign has allowed key aspects of plasma control and H-mode operation for the ITER non-activated phase to be evaluated. Effective sawtooth control by fast ions has been demonstrated with 3He minority ICRH, a scenario with negligible minority current drive. Edge localized mode (ELM) control studies using external n = 1 and n = 2 perturbation fields have found a resonance effect in ELM frequency for specific q95 values. Complete ELM suppression has, however, not been observed, even with an edge Chirikov parameter larger than 1. Pellet ELM pacing has been demonstrated and the minimum pellet size needed to trigger an ELM has been estimated. For both natural and mitigated ELMs a broadening of the divertor ELM-wetted area with increasing ELM size has been found. In disruption studies with massive gas injection up to 50% of the thermal energy could be radiated before, and 20% during, the thermal quench. Halo currents could be reduced by 60% and, using argon/deuterium and neon/deuterium gas mixtures, runaway electron generation could be avoided. Most objectives of the ITER-like ICRH antenna have been demonstrated; matching with closely packed straps, ELM resilience, scattering matrix arc detection and operation at high power density (6.2 MW m−2) and antenna strap voltages (42 kV). Coupling measurements are in very good agreement with TOPICA modelling.
Overview of JET results
Romanelli, F.;Laxåback, M.;Abel, I.;Afanesyev, V.;Agarici, G.;Aggarwal, K. M.;Airila, M.;Akers, R.;Alarcon, T.h.;Albanese, R.;Alexeev, A.;Alfier, A.;Allan, P.;Almaviva, S.;Alonso, A.;Alonso, M.;Alper, B.;Altmann, H.;Alves, D.;Ambrosino, G.;Amosov, V.;Anda, G.;Andersson, F.;Andersson Sund´en, E.;Andreev, V.;Andrew, Y.;Angelone, M.;Anghel, M.;Anghel, A.;Angioni, C.;Apruzzese, G.;Arcis, N.;Arena, P.;Argouarch, A.;Ariola, M.;Armitano, A.;Armstrong, R.;Arnoux, G.;Arshad, S.;Artaserse, G.;Artaud, J. F.;Ash, A.;Asp, E.;Asunta, O.;Atanasiu, C. V.;Atkins, G.;Axton, M. D.;Ayres, C.;Baciero, A.;Bailescu, V.;Baiocchi, B.;Baker, R. A.;Balboa, I.;Balorin, C.;Balshaw, N.;Banks, J. W.;Baranov, Y. F.;Barbier, D.;Barlow, I. L.;Barnard, M. A.;Barnsley, R.;Barrena, L.;Barrera, L.;Baruzzo, M.;Basiuk, V.;Bateman, G.;Batistoni, P.;Baumgarten, N.;Baylor, L.;Bazylev, B.;Beaumont, P. S.;Beausang, K.;B´ecoulet, M.;Bekris, N.;Beldishevski, M.;Bell, A. C.;Belli, F.;Bellinger, M.;Bellizio, T.;Belo, P. S. A.;Belonohy, ´ E.;Bennett, P. E.;Benterman, N. A.;Berger By, G.;Bergsåker, H.;Berk, H.;Bernardo, J.;Bertrand, B.;Beurskens, M. N. A.;Bieg, B.;Bienkowska, B.;Biewer, T.;Biewer, T. M.;Bigi, M.;Bilato, R.;Bird, J.;Bizarro, J.;Blackman, T. R.;Blanchard, P.;Blanco, E.;Blum, J.;Bobkov, V.;Boboc, A.;Boilson, D.;Bolshakova, I.;Bolzonella, T.;Boncagni, L.;Bonheure, G.;Bonnin, X.;Borba, D.;Borthwick, A.;Botrugno, A.;Boulbe, C.;Bouquey, F.;Bourdelle, C.;Bovert, K. V.;Bowden, M.;Boyce, T.;Boyer, H. J.;Bozhenkov, A.;Brade, R. J.;Bradshaw, J. M. A.;Braet, J.;Braic, V.;Braithwaite, G. C.;Brault, C.;Braune, H.;Breizman, B.;Bremond, S.;Brennan, P. D.;Brett, A.;Breue, J.;Brezinsek, S.;Bright, M. D. J.;Briscoe, F.;Brix, M.;Brombin, M.;Brown, B. C.;Brown, D. P. D.;Bruschi, A.;Brzozowski, J.;Bucalossi, J.;Buckley, M. A.;Budd, T.;Budny, R.;Budny, R. V.;Bunting, P.;Buratti, P.;Burcea, G.;Butcher, P. R.;Buttery, R. J.;Cac¸ ˜ao, R.;Calabr`o, G.;Callaghan, C. P.;Caminade, J. P.;Camp, P. G.;Campling, D. C.;Canik, J.;Cannas, B.;Capel, A. J.;Carannante, G.;Card, P. J.;Cardinali, A.;Carlstrom, T.;Carman, P.;Carralero, D.;Carraro, L.;Carter, T.;Carvalho, B. B.;Carvalho, P.;Casati, A.;Castaldo, C.;Caughman, J.;Cavazzana, R.;Cavinato, M.;Cecconello, M.;Cecil, F. E.;Cenedese, A.;Centioli, C.;Cesario, R.;Challis, C. D.;Chandler, M.;Chang, C.;Chankin, A.;Chapman, I. T.;Child, D. J.;Chiru, P.;Chitarin, G.;Chugonov, I.;Chugunov, I.;Ciric, D.;Clairet, F.;Clarke, R. H.;Clay, R.;Clever, M.;Coad, J. P.;Coates, P. A.;Coccorese, V.;Cocilovo, V.;Coda, S.;Coelho, R.;Coenen, J.;Coffey, I.;Colas, L.;Cole, M.;Collins, S.;Combs, S.;Compan, J.;Conboy, J. E.;Conroy, S.;Cook, N.;Cook, S. P.;Coombs, D.;Cooper, S. R.;Corre, Y.;Corrigan, G.;Cortes, S.;Coster, D.;Counsell, G. F.;Courtois, X.;Cox, M.;Craciunescu, T.;Cramp, S.;Crisanti, F.;Croft, O.;Crombe, K.;Crowley, B. J.;Cruz, N.;Cupido, L.;Curuia, M.;Cusack, R. A.;Czarnecka, A.;Dalley, S.;Daly, E. T.;Dalziel, A.;Darrow, D.;David, O.;Davies, N.;Davis, J. J.;Day, I. E.;Day, C.;De Angelis, R.;Dearcas, G.;de Baar, M. R.;de la Cal, E.;de la Luna, E.;de Pablos, J. L.;De Temmerman, G.;De Tommasi, G.;de Vries, P. C.;De Angelis, R.;Degli Agostini, F.;Delabie, E.;del Castillo Negrete, D.;Delpech, L.;Denisov, G.;Denyer, A. J.;Denyer, R. F.;Devaux, S.;Devynck, P.;Di Matteo, L.;Di Pace, L.;Dirken, P. J.;Dnestrovskiy, A.;Dodt, D.;Dominiczak, K.;Dorling, S. E.;Douai, D.;Down, A. P.;Doyle, P. T.;Drake, J. R.;Dreischuh, T.;Drozdov, V.;Dumortier, P.;Dunai, D.;Duran, I.;Durodi´e, F.;Dylst, K.;Eaton, R.;Edlington, T.;Edwards, A. M.;Edwards, D. T.;Edwards, P. K.;Eich, T.h.;Ekedahl, A.;Elevant, T.;Elfimov, A.;Ellingboe, B.;Elsmore, C. G.;Emmoth, B.;Ericsson, G.;Eriksson, L. G.;Eriksson, A.;Esposito, B.;Esser, H. G.;Estrada, T.;Evangelidis, E. A.;Evans, G. E.;Ewart, G. D.;Ewers, D. T.;Falchetto, G.;Falie, D.;Fanthome, J. G. A.;Farina, D.;Farthing, J. W.;Fasoli, A.;Faugeras, B.;Fedorczak, N.;Felton, R. C.;Fenzi, C.;Fernandes, H.;Ferreira, J. A.;Ferreira, J.;Ferron, J.;Fessey, J. A.;Figini, L.;Figueiredo, A.;Figueiredo, J.;Finburg, P.;Finken, K. H.;Fischer, U.;Fitzgerald, N.;Flanagan, J.;Fleming, C.;Fonseca, A.;Forbes, A. D.;Ford, O.;Formisano, A.;Fraboulet, D.;Francis, R. J.;Frassinetti, L.;FRESA, RAFFAELE;Friconneau, J. P.;Frigione, D.;Fuchs, J. C.;Fullard, K.;Fundamenski, W.;Furno Palumbo, M.;Gafert, J.;Ga´l, K.;Galva˜o, R.;Garavaglia, S.;Garbet, X.;Garcia, J.;Gar cia Munoz, M.;Gardner, W.;Garibaldi, P.;Garnier, D.;Garzotti, L.;Gatu Johnson, M.;Gaudio, P.;Gauthier, E.;Gaze, J. W.;Gear, D. F.;Gedney, J.;Gee, S. J.;Gelfusa, M.;Genangeli, E.;Gerasimov, S.;Geraud, A.;Gerbaud, T.;Gherendi, M.;Ghirelli, N.;Giacalone, J. C.;Giacomelli, L.;Gibson, C. S.;Gil, C.;Gilligan, S. J.;Gimblett, C. G.;Gin, D.;Giovannozzi, E.;Giroud, C.;Giruzzi, G.;Glowacz, S.;Godwin, J.;Goff, J. K.;Gohil, P.;Goloborod’Ko, V.;Gonc¸alves, B.;Goniche, M.;Gonzales, S.;Gonza´lez de Vicente, S. M.;Goodyear, A.;Gorelenkov, N.;Gorini, G.;Goulding, R.;Graham, B.;Graham, D.;Graham, M. E.;Granucci, G.;Graves, J.;Green, N. R.;Greuner, H.;Grigore, E.;Griph, F. S.;Grisolia, C.;Gros, G.;Grossetti, G.;Groth, M.;Gru¨ nhagen, S.;Gryaznevich, M. P.;Guirlet, R.;Gulejova, B.;Gunn, J.;Gupta, A.;Guzdar, P.;Hacek, P.;Hackett, L. J.;Hacquin, S.;Haist, B.;Hakola, A.;Hall, S. J.;Hallworth Cook, S. P.;Hamilton, D. T.;Han, H.;Handley, R. C.;Harding, S.;Harling, J. D. W.;Harting, D.;Harvey, M. J.;Haupt, T. D. V.;Havlickova, E.;Hawkes, N. C.;Hawryluk, R.;Hay, J. H.;Hayashi, N.;Haydon, P. W.;Hayward, I. R.;Hazel, S.;Heesterman, P. J. L.;Heidbrink, W.;Heikkinen, J.;Hellesen, C.;Hellsten, T.;Hemming, O. N.;Hender, T. C.;Henderson, M.;Hennig, C.;Hennion, V.;Hidalgo, C.;Higashijima, S.;Hill, J. W.;Hill, M.;Hill, K.;Hillairet, J.;Hillis, D.;Hirai, T.;Hitchin, M.;Hobirk, J.;Hogan, C.;Hogben, C. H. A.;Hogeweij, G. M. D.;Hollingham, I. C.;Holyaka, R.;Homfray, D. A.;Honeyands, G.;Hong, S. H.;Hopf, C.;Horn, B. A.;Horton, A. R.;Horton, L. D.;Hotchin, S. P.;Hough, M. R.;Houlberg, W.;Howell, D. F.;Hron, M.;Huber, A.;Huddleston, T. M.;Hudson, Z.;Hughes, M.;Hu¨ hnerbein, M.;Hume, C. C.;Hunt, A. J.;Hunter, C. L.;Hutchinson, T. S.;Huygen, S.;Huysmans, G.;Hyno¨ nen, V.;Ide, S.;Igreja, R.;Illescas, C.;Imbeaux, F.;Ivanova, D.;Ivings, E.;Jachmich, S.;Jackson, G.;Jacquet, P.;Jakubowska, K.;Jakubowski, M.;James, P. V.;Jaspers, R. J. E.;Jednorog, S.;Jenkins, I.;Jennison, M. A. C.;Jeskins, C.;Jin Kwon, O.;Joffrin, E.;Johnson, M. F.;Johnson, R.;Johnson, T.;Jolovic, D.;Jonauskas, V.;Jones, E. M.;Jones, G.;Jones, H. D.;Jones, T. T. C.;Jouvet, M.;Jupe´n, C.;Kachtchouk, I.;Kaczmarczyk, J.;Kallenbach, A.;Ka¨llne, J.;Kalupin, D.;Ka´lvin, S.;Kamelander, G.;Kamendje, R.;Kappatou, A.;Karttunen, S.;Kasparek, W.;Katramados, I.;Kaufmann, M.;Kaveney, G.;Kaye, A. S.;Kear, M. J.;Keeling, D. L.;Kelliher, D.;Kempenaars, M.;Khilar, P.;Kidd, N. G.;Kiisk, M.;Kim, K. M.;King, R. F.;Kinna, D. J.;Kiptily, V.;Kirnev, G.;Kirneva, N.;Kirov, K.;Kirschner, A.;Kisielius, R.;Kislov, D.;Kiss, G.;Kiviniemi, T.;Kizane, G.;Klein, A.;Klix, A.;Knaup, M.;Kneuper, K.;Kneupner, H.;Knight, P. J.;Knipe, S. J.;Kocan, M.;Ko¨ chl, F.;Kocsis, G.;Konz, C.;Koppitz, T.;Korotkov, A.;Koslowski, H. R.;Kotov, V.;Kovari, M. D.;Kovarik, K.;Kramer, G.;Krasilnikov, A.;Krasilnikov, V.;Kraus, S.;Kreter, A.;Krieger, K.;Kritz, A.;Krivchenkov, Y.;Kruezi, U.;Krychowiak, M.;Krylov, S.;Ksiazek, I.;Kubic, M.;Kuhn, S.;Ku¨ hnlein, W.;Kurki Suonio, T.;Kurowski, A.;Kuteev, B.;Kuyanov, A.;La Haye, R.;Laan, M.;Labate, C.;Lachichi, A.;Lam, N.;Lang, P.;Large, M. T.;Lassiwe, I.;Last, J. R.;Lawson, K. D.;Laxåback, M.;Layne, R. A.;Lazzaro, E.;Le Guern, F.;Leblanc, B.;Leggate, H. J.;Lehnen, M.;Leigheb, M.;Lengar, I.;Lennholm, M.;Lerche, E.;Lescure, C. N.;Li, Y.;Li Puma, A.;Liang, Y.;Likonen, J.;Lin, Y.;Linke, J.;Linstead, S. A.;Lipshultz, B.;Litaudon, X.;Litvak, A. G.;Liu, Y.;Loarer, T.;Loarte, A.;Lobel, R. C.;Lomas, P. J.;Long, F. D.;Lo¨ nnroth, J.;Looker, D. J.;Lopez, J.;Lotte, P.h.;Loughlin, M. J.;Loving, A. B.;Lowry, C.;Luce, T.;Lucock, R. M. A.;Lukanitsa, A.;Lungu, A. M.;Lungu, C. P.;Lyssoivan, A.;Macheta, P.;Mackenzie, A. S.;Macrae, M.;Maddaluno, G.;Maddison, G. P.;Madsen, J.;Maget, P.;Maggi, C.;Maier, H.;Mailloux, J.;Makowski, M.;Manning, C. J.;Mansfield, M.;Manso, M. E.;Mantica, P.;Mantsinen, M.;Maraschek, M.;Marchetto, C.;Marchitti, M. A.;Mardenfeld, M.;Marechal, J. L.;Marinelli, M.;Marinoni, A.;Marinucci, M.;Ma¨rki, J.;Marocco, D.;Marren, C. A.;Martin, D.;Martin, D. L.;Martin, G.;Martin, Y.;Mart´ın Sol´ıs, J. R.;Masaki, K.;Masiello, A.;Maslov, M.;Maszl, C.;Matilal, A.;Mattei, M.;Matthews, G. F.;Maviglia, F.;May, C. R.;Mayer, M.;Mayoral, M. L.;Mazon, D.;Mazzotta, C.;Mazzucato, E.;Mccarthy, P.;Mcclements, K. G.;Mccormick, K.;Mccullen, P. A.;Mccune, D.;Mcdonald, D. C.;Mcgregor, R.;Mckivitt, J. P.;Meakins, A.;Medina, F.;Meigs, A. G.;Menard, M.;Meneses, L.;Menmuir, S.;Merrigan, I. R.;Mertens, P.h.;Messiaen, A.;Meyer, H.;Miano, G.;Miele, M.;Migliucci, P.;Miller, A. G.;Mills, S. F.;Milnes, J. J.;Ognissanto, F.;O’Gorman, T.;Olariu, S.;Oleynikov, A.;O’Mullane, M.;Ongena, J.;Orsitto, F.;Oswuigwe, O. I.;Ottaviani, M.;Oyama, N.;Pacella, D.;Paget, K.;Palazzo, S.;Pamela, J.;Pamela, S.;Panek, R.;Pangione, L.;Panin, A.;Panis, T.h.;Pankin, A.;Pantea, A.;Parail, V.;Parisot, T.h.;Parkin, A.;Parsloe, A.;Parsons, B. T.;Pasqualotto, R.;Pastor, P.;Paterson, R.;Paul, M. K.;Peach, D.;Pearce, R. J. H.;Pearson, B. J.;Pearson, I. J.;Pedrick, L. C.;Pedrosa, M. A.;Pegourie, B.;Pereira, R.;Perelli Cippo, E.;Pereverzev, G.;Perevezentsev, A.;Thun, C.h. Perez von;Pericoli Ridolfini, V.;Perona, A.;Perrot, Y.;Peruzzo, S.;Peschanyy, S.;Petravich, G.;Petrizzi, L.;Petrov, V.;Petrzilka, V.;Philipps, V.;Piazza, G.;Piccolo, F.;Pietropaolo, A.;Pillon, M.;Pinches, S. D.;Pinna, T.;Pintsuk, G.;Piovesan, P.;Pironti, A.;Pisano, F.;Pitts, R.;Plaum, B.;Plyusnin, V.;Polasik, M.;Poli, F. M.;Pomaro, N.;Pompilian, O.;Poncet, L.;Pool, P. J.;Popovichev, S.;Porcelli, F.;Porfiri, M. T.;Portafaix, C.;Pospieszczyk, A.;Possnert, G.;Prestopino, G.;Prior, P.;Prokopowicz, R.;Proverbio, I.;Pugno, R.;Puiatti, M. E.;Purahoo, K.;Pustovitov, V.;Tterich, T.h. Pu¨;Pu¨ ttmann Kneupner, D.;Quercia, A.;Rachlew, E.;Rademaker, R.;Rafiq, T.;Rainford, M. S. J.;Ramogida, G.;Rantama¨ki, K.;Rapp, J.;Rasmussen, J. J.;Ratta, G.;Ravera, G.;Reich, M.;Reichle, R.;Reiser, D.;Reiss, R.;Reiter, D.;Rendell, D.;Reux, C.;Rewoldt, G.;Ribeiro, T. T.;Riccardo, V.;Richards, D.;Rigollet, F.;Rimini, F. G.;Rios, L.;Riva, M.;Roberts, J. E. C.;Robins, R. J.;Robinson, D. S.;Robinson, S. A.;Robson, D. W.;Roche, H.;Ro¨ dig, M.;Rodionov, N.;Rohde, V.;Rolfe, A.;Romanelli, M.;Romanelli, F.;Romano, A.;Romero, J.;Ronchi, E.;Rosanvallon, S.;Roux, C.h.;Rowe, S.;Rubel, M.;Rubinacci, G.;Ruchko, L.;Ruiz, M.;Ruset, C.;Russell, M.;Ruth, A.;Ryc, L.;Rydzy, A.;Ryter, F.;Rzadkiewicz, J.;Saarelma, S.;Sabathier, F.;Sabot, R.;Sadakov, S.;Sagar, P.;Saibene, G.;Saille, A.;Saint Laurent, F.;Salmi, A.;Salomaa, R.;Salzedas, F.;Samm, U.;Sanchez, P.;Sanders, S.;Sanders, S. G.;Sandford, G.;Sandland, K.;Sandquist, P.;Sands, D. E. G.;Santala, M. I. K.;Sartori, F.;Sartori, R.;Sauter, O.;Savelyev, A.;Savtchkov, A.;Scales, S. C.;Scarabosio, A.;Schaefer, N.;Schlatter, C.h.;Schmidt, V.;Schmidt, A.;Schmitz, O.;Schmuck, S.;Schneider, M.;Scholz, M.;Scho¨ pf, K.;Schweer, B.;Schweinzer, J.;Scott, B.;Seki, M.;Semeraro, L.;Semerok, A.;Sergienko, G.;Serra, F.;Sertoli, M.;Shannon, M. M. J.;Sharapov, S. E.;Shaw, S. R.;Shevelev, A.;Sievering, R.;Silva, C. A.;Simmons, P. A.;Simonetto, A.;Simpson, D.;Sipila, S.;Sips, A. C. C.;Sirinelli, A.;Sjo¨ strand, H.;Skopintsev, D.;Slabkowska, K. .;Smith, P. G.;Snipes, J.;Snoj, L.;Snyder, S.;Soare, S.;Solano, E. R.;Soldatov, S.;Soleto, A.;Solomon, W.;Soltane, C.;Sonato, P.;Sopplesa, A.;Sorrentino, A.;Sousa, J.;Sowden, C. B. C.;Sozzi, C.;Spa¨h, P.;Spelzini, T.;Spence, J.;Spineanu, F.;Spuig, P.;Sta¨bler, A.;Stagg, R. D.;Stamp, M. F.;Stancalie, V.;Stangeby, P.;Stan Sion, C.;Starkey, D. E.;Stead, M. J.;Stephen, A. V.;Stevens, A. L.;Stober, J.;Stokes, R. B.;Stork, D.;Stoyanov, D.;Strachan, J.;Strand, P.;Stransky, M.;Strauss, D.;Strintzi, D.;Studholme, W.;Su Na, Y.;Subba, F.;Summers, H. P.;Sun, Y.;Surdu Bob, C.;Surrey, E.;Sutton, D. J.;Svensson, J.;Swain, D.;Syme, B. D.;Symonds, I. D.;Szepesi, T.;Szydlowski, A.;Tabares, F.;Takalo, V.;Takenaga, H.;Tala, T.;Talbot, A. R.;Taliercio, C.;Tame, C.;Tardini, G.;Tardocchi, M.;Taroni, L.;Telesca, G.;Terra, A.;Terrington, A. O.;Testa, D.;Theis, J. M.;Thomas, J. D.;Thomas, P. D.;Thomas, P. R.;Thompson, V. K.;Thomsen, H.;Thomser, C.;Thyagaraja, A.;Tigwell, P. A.;Tiseanu, I.;Tivey, R.;Todd, J. M.;Todd, T. N.;Tokar, M. Z.;Tosti, S.;Trabuc, P.;Travere, J. M.;Treutterer, W.;Trimble, P.;Trkov, A.;Trukhina, E.;Tsalas, M.;Tsige Tamirat, H.;Tsitrone, E.;Tskhakaya jun, D.;Tudisco, O.;Tugarinov, S.;Turner, M. M.;Turri, G.;Tyrrell, S. G. J.;Umeda, N.;Unterberg, B.;Urano, H.;Urquhart, A. J.;Uytdenhouwen, I.;Vaccaro, A.;Vadgama, A. P.;Vagliasindi, G.;Valcarcel, D.;Valisa, M.;Vallory, J.;Valovic, M.;Van Eester, D.;van Milligen, B.;van Rooij, G. J.;Varandas, C. A. F.;Vartanian, S.;Vdovin, V.;Vega, J.;Verdoolaege, G.;Verger, J. M.;Vermare, L.;Verona, C.;Versloot, T.h.;Vervier, M.;Vicente, J.;Villari, S.;Villedieu, E.;Villone, F.;Vince, J. E.;Vine, G. J.;Viola, B.;Vitale, E.;Vitelli, R.;Vlad, M.;Voitsekhovitch, I.;Vrancken, M.;Vulliez, K.;Waldon, C. W. F.;Walker, M.;Walsh, M. J.;Waterhouse, J.;Watkins, M. L.;Watson, M. J.;Wauters, T.;Way, M. W.;Webb, C. R.;Weiland, J.;Weisen, H.;Weiszflog, M.;Wenninger, R.;West, A. T.;Weulersse, J. M.;Weyssow, B.;Wheatley, M. R.;Whiteford, A. D.;Whitehead, A. M.;Whitehurst, A. G.;Widdowson, A. M.;Wieggers, R. C.;Wiegmann, C.;Wiesen, S.;Wilson, A.;Wilson, D.;Wilson, D. J.;Wilson, H. R.;Wischmeier, M.;Witts, D. M.;Wolf, R. C.;Wolowski, J.;Woscov, P.;Wright, G. M.;Wright, J.;Xu, G. S.;Yavorskij, V.;Yerashok, V.;Yorkshades, J.;Young, C.;Young, D.;Young, I. D.;Yuhong, X.;Zabeo, L.;Zabolotsky, A.;Zaccarian, L.;Zagorski, R.;Zaitsev, F. S.;Zajac, S.;Zakharov, L.;Zanino, R.;Zaroschi, V.;Zastrow, K. D.;Zatz, I.;Zefran, B.;Zeidner, W.;Zerbini, M.;Zhang, T.;Zhu, Y.;Zilli, E.;Zimmermann, O.;Zoita, V.;Zoletnik, S.;Zwingman, W.
Since the last IAEA Conference JET has been in operation for one year with a programmatic focus on the qualification of ITER operating scenarios, the consolidation of ITER design choices and preparation for plasma operation with the ITER-like wall presently being installed in JET. Good progress has been achieved, including stationary ELMy H-mode operation at 4.5 MA. The high confinement hybrid scenario has been extended to high triangularity, lower ρ* and to pulse lengths comparable to the resistive time. The steady-state scenario has also been extended to lower ρ* and ν* and optimized to simultaneously achieve, under stationary conditions, ITER-like values of all other relevant normalized parameters. A dedicated helium campaign has allowed key aspects of plasma control and H-mode operation for the ITER non-activated phase to be evaluated. Effective sawtooth control by fast ions has been demonstrated with 3He minority ICRH, a scenario with negligible minority current drive. Edge localized mode (ELM) control studies using external n = 1 and n = 2 perturbation fields have found a resonance effect in ELM frequency for specific q95 values. Complete ELM suppression has, however, not been observed, even with an edge Chirikov parameter larger than 1. Pellet ELM pacing has been demonstrated and the minimum pellet size needed to trigger an ELM has been estimated. For both natural and mitigated ELMs a broadening of the divertor ELM-wetted area with increasing ELM size has been found. In disruption studies with massive gas injection up to 50% of the thermal energy could be radiated before, and 20% during, the thermal quench. Halo currents could be reduced by 60% and, using argon/deuterium and neon/deuterium gas mixtures, runaway electron generation could be avoided. Most objectives of the ITER-like ICRH antenna have been demonstrated; matching with closely packed straps, ELM resilience, scattering matrix arc detection and operation at high power density (6.2 MW m−2) and antenna strap voltages (42 kV). Coupling measurements are in very good agreement with TOPICA modelling.
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Il report seguente simula gli indicatori relativi alla propria produzione scientifica in relazione alle soglie ASN 2023-2025 del proprio SC/SSD. Si ricorda che il superamento dei valori soglia (almeno 2 su 3) è requisito necessario ma non sufficiente al conseguimento dell'abilitazione. La simulazione si basa sui dati IRIS e sugli indicatori bibliometrici alla data indicata e non tiene conto di eventuali periodi di congedo obbligatorio, che in sede di domanda ASN danno diritto a incrementi percentuali dei valori. La simulazione può differire dall'esito di un’eventuale domanda ASN sia per errori di catalogazione e/o dati mancanti in IRIS, sia per la variabilità dei dati bibliometrici nel tempo. Si consideri che Anvur calcola i valori degli indicatori all'ultima data utile per la presentazione delle domande.
La presente simulazione è stata realizzata sulla base delle specifiche raccolte sul tavolo ER del Focus Group IRIS coordinato dall’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia e delle regole riportate nel DM 589/2018 e allegata Tabella A. Cineca, l’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia e il Focus Group IRIS non si assumono alcuna responsabilità in merito all’uso che il diretto interessato o terzi faranno della simulazione. Si specifica inoltre che la simulazione contiene calcoli effettuati con dati e algoritmi di pubblico dominio e deve quindi essere considerata come un mero ausilio al calcolo svolgibile manualmente o con strumenti equivalenti.