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A binned Dalitz plot analysis of B±→DK± decays, with and , is performed to measure the CP-violating observables x± and y± which are sensitive to the CKM angle γ. The analysis exploits 1.0 fb−1 of data collected by the LHCb experiment. The study makes no model-based assumption on the variation of the strong phase of the D decay amplitude over the Dalitz plot, but uses measurements of this quantity from CLEO-c as input. The values of the parameters are found to be x−=(0.0±4.3±1.5±0.6)×10−2, y−=(2.7±5.2±0.8±2.3)×10−2, x+=(−10.3±4.5±1.8±1.4)×10−2 and y+=(−0.9±3.7±0.8±3.0)×10−2. The first, second, and third uncertainties are the statistical, the experimental systematic, and the error associated with the precision of the strong-phase parameters measured at CLEO-c, respectively. These results correspond to , with a second solution at γ→γ+180°, and rB=0.07±0.04, where rB is the ratio between the suppressed and favoured B decay amplitudes.
A model-independent Dalitz plot analysis of B±→DK± with (h=π,K) decays and constraints on the CKM angle γ
LHCb Collaboration: R. Aaij;C. Abellan Beteta;A. Adametz;B. Adeva;M. Adinolfi;C. Adrover;A. Affolder;Z. Ajaltouni;J. Albrecht;F. Alessio;M. Alexander;S. Ali;G. Alkhazov;P. Alvarez Cartelle;A. A. Alves;S. Amato;Y. Amhis;L. Anderlini;J. Anderson;R. B. Appleby;O. Aquines Gutierrez;F. Archilli;A. Artamonov;M. Artuso;E. Aslanides;AURIEMMA, Giulio;S. Bachmann;J. J. Back;C. Baesso;W. Baldini;R. J. Barlow;C. Barschel;S. Barsuk;W. Barter;A. Bates;T.h. Bauer;A. Bay;J. Beddow;I. Bediaga;S. Belogurov;K. Belous;I. Belyaev;E. Ben Haim;M. Benayoun;G. Bencivenni;S. Benson;J. Benton;A. Berezhnoy;R. Bernet;M. O. Bettler;M. van Beuzekom;A. Bien;S. Bifani;T. Bird;A. Bizzeti;P. M. Bjørnstad;T. Blake;F. Blanc;C. Blanks;J. Blouw;S. Blusk;A. Bobrov;V. Bocci;A. Bondar;N. Bondar;W. Bonivento;S. Borghi;A. Borgia;T. J. V. Bowcock;C. Bozzi;T. Brambach;J. van den Brand;J. Bressieux;D. Brett;M. Britsch;T. Britton;N. H. Brook;H. Brown;A. Büchler Germann;I. Burducea;A. Bursche;J. Buytaert;S. Cadeddu;O. Callot;M. Calvi;M. Calvo Gomez;A. Camboni;P. Campana;A. Carbone;G. Carboni;R. Cardinale;A. Cardini;L. Carson;K. Carvalho Akiba;G. Casse;M. Cattaneo;C.h. Cauet;M. Charles;P.h. Charpentier;P. Chen;N. Chiapolini;M. Chrzaszcz;K. Ciba;X. Cid Vidal;G. Ciezarek;P. E. L. Clarke;M. Clemencic;H. V. Cliff;J. Closier;C. Coca;V. Coco;J. Cogan;E. Cogneras;P. Collins;A. Comerma Montells;A. Contu;A. Cook;M. Coombes;G. Corti;B. Couturier;G. A. Cowan;D. Craik;S. Cunliffe;R. Currie;C. DʼAmbrosio;P. David;P. N. Y. David;I. De Bonis;K. De Bruyn;S. De Capua;M. De Cian;J. M. De Miranda;L. De Paula;P. De Simone;D. Decamp;M. Deckenhoff;H. Degaudenzi;L. Del Buono;C. Deplano;D. Derkach;O. Deschamps;F. Dettori;A. Di Canto;J. Dickens;H. Dijkstra;P. Diniz Batista;F. Domingo Bonal;S. Donleavy;F. Dordei;A. Dosil Suárez;D. Dossett;A. Dovbnya;F. Dupertuis;R. Dzhelyadin;A. Dziurda;A. Dzyuba;S. Easo;U. Egede;V. Egorychev;S. Eidelman;D. van Eijk;S. Eisenhardt;R. Ekelhof;L. Eklund;I. El Rifai;C.h. Elsasser;D. Elsby;D. Esperante Pereira;A. Falabella;C. Färber;G. Fardell;C. Farinelli;S. Farry;V. Fave;V. Fernandez Albor;F. Ferreira Rodrigues;M. Ferro Luzzi;S. Filippov;C. Fitzpatrick;M. Fontana;F. Fontanelli;R. Forty;O. Francisco;M. Frank;C. Frei;M. Frosini;S. Furcas;A. Gallas Torreira;D. Galli;M. Gandelman;P. Gandini;Y. Gao;J. C. Garnier;J. Garofoli;P. Garosi;J. Garra Tico;L. Garrido;C. Gaspar;R. Gauld;E. Gersabeck;M. Gersabeck;T. Gershon;P.h. Ghez;V. Gibson;V. V. Gligorov;C. Göbel;D. Golubkov;A. Golutvin;A. Gomes;H. Gordon;M. Grabalosa Gándara;R. Graciani Diaz;L. A. Granado Cardoso;E. Graugés;G. Graziani;A. Grecu;E. Greening;S. Gregson;O. Grünberg;B. Gui;E. Gushchin;Y.u. Guz;T. Gys;C. Hadjivasiliou;G. Haefeli;C. Haen;S. C. Haines;S. Hall;T. Hampson;S. Hansmann Menzemer;N. Harnew;S. T. Harnew;J. Harrison;P. F. Harrison;T. Hartmann;J. He;V. Heijne;K. Hennessy;P. Henrard;J. A. Hernando Morata;E. van Herwijnen;E. Hicks;D. Hill;M. Hoballah;P. Hopchev;W. Hulsbergen;P. Hunt;T. Huse;N. Hussain;D. Hutchcroft;D. Hynds;V. Iakovenko;P. Ilten;J. Imong;R. Jacobsson;A. Jaeger;M. Jahjah Hussein;E. Jans;F. Jansen;P. Jaton;B. Jean Marie;F. Jing;M. John;D. Johnson;C. R. Jones;B. Jost;M. Kaballo;S. Kandybei;M. Karacson;T. M. Karbach;J. Keaveney;I. R. Kenyon;U. Kerzel;T. Ketel;A. Keune;B. Khanji;Y. M. Kim;O. Kochebina;V. Komarov;R. F. Koopman;P. Koppenburg;M. Korolev;A. Kozlinskiy;L. Kravchuk;K. Kreplin;M. Kreps;G. Krocker;P. Krokovny;F. Kruse;M. Kucharczyk;V. Kudryavtsev;T. Kvaratskheliya;V. N. La Thi;D. Lacarrere;G. Lafferty;A. Lai;D. Lambert;R. W. Lambert;E. Lanciotti;G. Lanfranchi;C. Langenbruch;T. Latham;C. Lazzeroni;R. Le Gac;J. van Leerdam;J. P. Lees;R. Lefèvre;A. Leflat;J. Lefrançois;O. Leroy;T. Lesiak;Y. Li;L. Li Gioi;M. Liles;R. Lindner;C. Linn;B. Liu;G. Liu;J. von Loeben;J. H. Lopes;E. Lopez Asamar;N. Lopez March;H. Lu;J. Luisier;A. Mac Raighne;F. Machefert;I. V. Machikhiliyan;F. Maciuc;O. Maev;J. Magnin;M. Maino;S. Malde;G. Manca;G. Mancinelli;N. Mangiafave;U. Marconi;R. Märki;J. Marks;G. Martellotti;A. Martens;L. Martin;A. Martín Sánchez;M. Martinelli;D. Martinez Santos;A. Massafferri;Z. Mathe;C. Matteuzzi;M. Matveev;E. Maurice;A. Mazurov;J. McCarthy;G. McGregor;R. McNulty;M. Meissner;M. Merk;J. Merkel;D. A. Milanes;M. N. Minard;J. Molina Rodriguez;S. Monteil;D. Moran;P. Morawski;R. Mountain;I. Mous;F. Muheim;K. Müller;R. Muresan;B. Muryn;B. Muster;J. Mylroie Smith;P. Naik;T. Nakada;R. Nandakumar;I. Nasteva;M. Needham;N. Neufeld;A. D. Nguyen;C. Nguyen Mau;M. Nicol;V. Niess;N. Nikitin;T. Nikodem;A. Nomerotski;A. Novoselov;A. Oblakowska Mucha;V. Obraztsov;S. Oggero;S. Ogilvy;O. Okhrimenko;R. Oldeman;M. Orlandea;J. M. Otalora Goicochea;P. Owen;B. K. Pal;A. Palano;M. Palutan;J. Panman;A. Papanestis;M. Pappagallo;C. Parkes;C. J. Parkinson;G. Passaleva;G. D. Patel;M. Patel;G. N. Patrick;C. Patrignani;C. Pavel Nicorescu;A. Pazos Alvarez;A. Pellegrino;G. Penso;M. Pepe Altarelli;S. Perazzini;D. L. Perego;E. Perez Trigo;A. Pérez Calero Yzquierdo;P. Perret;M. Perrin Terrin;G. Pessina;K. Petridis;A. Petrolini;A. Phan;E. Picatoste Olloqui;B. Pie Valls;B. Pietrzyk;T. Pilař;D. Pinci;S. Playfer;M. Plo Casasus;F. Polci;G. Polok;A. Poluektov;E. Polycarpo;D. Popov;B. Popovici;C. Potterat;A. Powell;J. Prisciandaro;V. Pugatch;A. Puig Navarro;W. Qian;J. H. Rademacker;B. Rakotomiaramanana;M. S. Rangel;I. Raniuk;N. Rauschmayr;G. Raven;S. Redford;M. M. Reid;A. C. dos Reis;S. Ricciardi;A. Richards;K. Rinnert;V. Rives Molina;D. A. Roa Romero;P. Robbe;E. Rodrigues;P. Rodriguez Perez;G. J. Rogers;S. Roiser;V. Romanovsky;A. Romero Vidal;J. Rouvinet;T. Ruf;H. Ruiz;G. Sabatino;J. J. Saborido Silva;N. Sagidova;P. Sail;B. Saitta;C. Salzmann;B. Sanmartin Sedes;M. Sannino;R. Santacesaria;C. Santamarina Rios;R. Santinelli;E. Santovetti;M. Sapunov;A. Sarti;SATRIANO, Celestina;A. Satta;M. Savrie;P. Schaack;M. Schiller;H. Schindler;S. Schleich;M. Schlupp;M. Schmelling;B. Schmidt;O. Schneider;A. Schopper;M. H. Schune;R. Schwemmer;B. Sciascia;A. Sciubba;M. Seco;A. Semennikov;K. Senderowska;I. Sepp;N. Serra;J. Serrano;P. Seyfert;M. Shapkin;I. Shapoval;P. Shatalov;Y. Shcheglov;T. Shears;L. Shekhtman;O. Shevchenko;V. Shevchenko;A. Shires;R. Silva Coutinho;T. Skwarnicki;N. A. Smith;E. Smith;M. Smith;K. Sobczak;F. J. P. Soler;F. Soomro;D. Souza;B. Souza De Paula;B. Spaan;A. Sparkes;P. Spradlin;F. Stagni;S. Stahl;O. Steinkamp;S. Stoica;S. Stone;B. Storaci;M. Straticiuc;U. Straumann;V. K. Subbiah;S. Swientek;M. Szczekowski;P. Szczypka;T. Szumlak;S. TʼJampens;M. Teklishyn;E. Teodorescu;F. Teubert;C. Thomas;E. Thomas;J. van Tilburg;V. Tisserand;M. Tobin;S. Tolk;D. Tonelli;S. Topp Joergensen;N. Torr;E. Tournefier;S. Tourneur;M. T. Tran;A. Tsaregorodtsev;P. Tsopelas;N. Tuning;M. Ubeda Garcia;A. Ukleja;D. Urner;U. Uwer;V. Vagnoni;G. Valenti;R. Vazquez Gomez;P. Vazquez Regueiro;S. Vecchi;J. J. Velthuis;M. Veltri;G. Veneziano;M. Vesterinen;B. Viaud;I. Videau;D. Vieira;X. Vilasis Cardona;J. Visniakov;A. Vollhardt;D. Volyanskyy;D. Voong;A. Vorobyev;V. Vorobyev;H. Voss;C. Voß;R. Waldi;R. Wallace;S. Wandernoth;J. Wang;D. R. Ward;N. K. Watson;A. D. Webber;D. Websdale;M. Whitehead;J. Wicht;D. Wiedner;L. Wiggers;G. Wilkinson;M. P. Williams;M. Williams;F. F. Wilson;J. Wishahi;M. Witek;W. Witzeling;S. A. Wotton;S. Wright;S. Wu;K. Wyllie;Y. Xie;F. Xing;Z. Xing;Z. Yang;R. Young;X. Yuan;O. Yushchenko;M. Zangoli;M. Zavertyaev;F. Zhang;L. Zhang;W. C. Zhang;Y. Zhang;A. Zhelezov;L. Zhong;A. Zvyagin
A binned Dalitz plot analysis of B±→DK± decays, with and , is performed to measure the CP-violating observables x± and y± which are sensitive to the CKM angle γ. The analysis exploits 1.0 fb−1 of data collected by the LHCb experiment. The study makes no model-based assumption on the variation of the strong phase of the D decay amplitude over the Dalitz plot, but uses measurements of this quantity from CLEO-c as input. The values of the parameters are found to be x−=(0.0±4.3±1.5±0.6)×10−2, y−=(2.7±5.2±0.8±2.3)×10−2, x+=(−10.3±4.5±1.8±1.4)×10−2 and y+=(−0.9±3.7±0.8±3.0)×10−2. The first, second, and third uncertainties are the statistical, the experimental systematic, and the error associated with the precision of the strong-phase parameters measured at CLEO-c, respectively. These results correspond to , with a second solution at γ→γ+180°, and rB=0.07±0.04, where rB is the ratio between the suppressed and favoured B decay amplitudes.
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La presente simulazione è stata realizzata sulla base delle specifiche raccolte sul tavolo ER del Focus Group IRIS coordinato dall’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia e delle regole riportate nel DM 589/2018 e allegata Tabella A. Cineca, l’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia e il Focus Group IRIS non si assumono alcuna responsabilità in merito all’uso che il diretto interessato o terzi faranno della simulazione. Si specifica inoltre che la simulazione contiene calcoli effettuati con dati e algoritmi di pubblico dominio e deve quindi essere considerata come un mero ausilio al calcolo svolgibile manualmente o con strumenti equivalenti.