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A predictive model for the electron temperature profile of the H-mode pedestal is described, and its results are compared with the pedestal structure of JET-ILW plasmas. The model is based on a scaling for the gyro-Bohm normalized, turbulent electron heat flux qe/qe,gB resulting from electron temperature gradient (ETG) turbulence, derived from results of nonlinear gyrokinetic (GK) calculations for the steep gradient region. By using the local temperature gradient scale length L-Te in the normalization, the dependence of q(e)/q(e,g)B on the normalized gradients R/L-Te and R/(Lne) can be represented by a unified scaling with the parameter eta(e) = L-ne/L-Te, to which the linear stability of ETG turbulence is sensitive when the density gradient is sufficiently steep. For a prescribed density profile, the value of R/L-Te determined from this scaling, required to maintain a constant electron heat flux qe across the pedestal, is used to calculate the temperature profile. Reasonable agreement with measurements is found for different cases, the model providing an explanation of the relative widths and shifts of the T-e and n(e) profiles, as well as highlighting the importance of the separatrix boundary conditions. Other cases showing disagreement indicate conditions where other branches of turbulence might dominate.This article is part of a discussion meeting issue "H-mode transition and pedestal studies in fusion plasmas'.
Comparing pedestal structure in JET-ILW H-mode plasmas with a model for stiff ETG turbulent heat transport
Field A. R.;Chapman-Oplopoiou B.;Connor J. W.;Frassinetti L.;Hatch D. R.;Roach C. M.;Saarelma S.;J. Mailloux;N. Abid;K. Abraham;P. Abreu;O. Adabonyan;P. Adrich;V. Afanasev;M. Afzal;T. Ahlgren;L. Aho-Mantila;N. Aiba;M. Airila;M. Akhtar;R. Albanese;M. Alderson-Martin;D. Alegre;S. Aleiferis;A. Aleksa;A. G. Alekseev;E. Alessi;P. Aleynikov;J. Algualcil;M. Ali;M. Allinson;B. Alper;E. Alves;G. Ambrosino;R. Ambrosino;V. Amosov;E. Andersson Sunden;P. Andre;B. M. Angelini;C. Angioni;I. Antoniou;L. C. Appel;C. Appelbee;S. Aria;M. Ariola;G. Artaserse;W. Arter;V. Artigues;N. Asakura;A. Ash;N. Ashika a;V. Aslanyan;M. Astrain;O. As talos;D. Auld;F. Auriemma;Y. Austin;L. Avotina;E. Aymerich;A. Baciero;F. Bairaktaris;J. Balbin;L. Balbinot;I. Balboa;M. Balden;C. Balsha;N. Balsha;V. K. Bandaru;J. Banks;Yu. F. Baranov;C. Barcellona;A. Barnard;M. Barnard;R. Barnsley;A. Barth;M. Baruzzo;S. Barwell;M. Bassan;A. Batista;P. Batistoni;L. Baumane;B. Bauvir;L. Baylor;P. S. Beaumont;D. Beckett;A. Begolli;M. Beidler;N. Bekris;M. Beldishevski;E. Belli;F. Belli;É. Belonohy;M. Ben Yaala;J. Benayas;J. Bentley;H. Bergsaker;J. Bernardo;M. Bernert;M. Berry;L. Bertalot;H. Betar;M. Beurskens;S. Bickerton;B. Bieg;J. Bielecki;A. Bierwage;T. Biewer;R. Bilato;P. Blkov;G. Birkenmeier;H. Bishop;J. P. S. Bizzarro;J. Blackburn;P. Blanchard;P. Blatchford;V. Bobkov;A. Boboc;P. Bohm;T. Bohm;I. Bolshakova;T. Bolzonella;N. Bonanomi;D. Bonfiglio;X. Bonnin;P. Bonofiglo;S. Boocock;A. Booth;J. Booth;D. Borba;D. Borodin;I. Borodkina;C. Boulbe;C. Bourdelle;M. Bowden;K. Boyd;I. Boiicevic Mihalic;S. C. Bradnam;V. Braic;L. Brandt;R. Bravanec;B. Breizman;A. Brett;S. Brezinsek;M. Bri;K. Bromley;B. Brown;D. Brunetti;R. Buckingham;M. Buckley;R. Budny;J. Buermans;H. Bufferand;P. Buratti;A. Burgess;A. Buscarino;A. Busse;D. Butcher;E. de la Cal;G. Calabrò;L. Calacci;R. Calado;Y. Camenen;G. Canal;B. Cannas;M. Cappelli;S. Carcangiu;P. Card;A. Cardinali;P. Carman;D. Carnevale;M. Carr;D. Carralero;L. Carraro;I. S. Carvalho;P. 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Veshchev;N. Vianello;E. Viewer;L. Vignitchouk;R. Vila;R. Villari;F. Villone;P. Vincenzi;I. Vinyar;B. Viola;A. J. Virtanen;A. Vitins;Z. Vizvary;G. Vlad;M. Vlad;P. Vondracek;P. de Vries;B. Wakeling;N. R. Walkden;M. Walker;R. Walker;M. Walsh;E. Wang;N. Wang;S. Warder;R. Warren;J. Waterhouse;C. Watts;T. Wauters;A. Weckmann;H. Wedderburn Maxwell;M. Weiland;H. Weisen;M. Weiszflog;P. Welch;N. Wendler;A. West;M. Wheatley;S. Wheeler;A. Whitehead;D. Whittaker;A. Widdowson;S. Wiesen;J. Wilkinson;J. C. Williams;D. Willoughby;I. Wilson;J. Wilson;T. Wilson;M. Wischmeier;P. Wise;G. Withensha;A. Withycombe;D. Witts;A. Wojcik-Gargula;E. Wolfrum;R. Wood;C. Woodley;R. Woodley;B. Woods;J. Wright;J. C. Wright;T. Wu;D. Yadikin;M. Yajima;Y. Yakovenko;Y. Yang;W. Yanling;V. Yanovskiy;I. Young;R. Young;R. J. Zabolockis;J. Zacks;R. Zagorski;F. S. Zaitsev;L. Zakharov;A. Zarins;D. Zarzoso Fernandez;K-D. Zastro;Y. Zayachuk;M. Zerbini;W. Zhang;Y. Zhou;M. Zlobinski;A. Zocco;A. Zohar;V. Zoita;S. Zoletnik;V. K. Zotta;I. Zoulias;W. Z ingmann;I. Zychor
A predictive model for the electron temperature profile of the H-mode pedestal is described, and its results are compared with the pedestal structure of JET-ILW plasmas. The model is based on a scaling for the gyro-Bohm normalized, turbulent electron heat flux qe/qe,gB resulting from electron temperature gradient (ETG) turbulence, derived from results of nonlinear gyrokinetic (GK) calculations for the steep gradient region. By using the local temperature gradient scale length L-Te in the normalization, the dependence of q(e)/q(e,g)B on the normalized gradients R/L-Te and R/(Lne) can be represented by a unified scaling with the parameter eta(e) = L-ne/L-Te, to which the linear stability of ETG turbulence is sensitive when the density gradient is sufficiently steep. For a prescribed density profile, the value of R/L-Te determined from this scaling, required to maintain a constant electron heat flux qe across the pedestal, is used to calculate the temperature profile. Reasonable agreement with measurements is found for different cases, the model providing an explanation of the relative widths and shifts of the T-e and n(e) profiles, as well as highlighting the importance of the separatrix boundary conditions. Other cases showing disagreement indicate conditions where other branches of turbulence might dominate.This article is part of a discussion meeting issue "H-mode transition and pedestal studies in fusion plasmas'.
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simulazione ASN
Il report seguente simula gli indicatori relativi alla propria produzione scientifica in relazione alle soglie ASN 2023-2025 del proprio SC/SSD. Si ricorda che il superamento dei valori soglia (almeno 2 su 3) è requisito necessario ma non sufficiente al conseguimento dell'abilitazione. La simulazione si basa sui dati IRIS e sugli indicatori bibliometrici alla data indicata e non tiene conto di eventuali periodi di congedo obbligatorio, che in sede di domanda ASN danno diritto a incrementi percentuali dei valori. La simulazione può differire dall'esito di un’eventuale domanda ASN sia per errori di catalogazione e/o dati mancanti in IRIS, sia per la variabilità dei dati bibliometrici nel tempo. Si consideri che Anvur calcola i valori degli indicatori all'ultima data utile per la presentazione delle domande.
La presente simulazione è stata realizzata sulla base delle specifiche raccolte sul tavolo ER del Focus Group IRIS coordinato dall’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia e delle regole riportate nel DM 589/2018 e allegata Tabella A. Cineca, l’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia e il Focus Group IRIS non si assumono alcuna responsabilità in merito all’uso che il diretto interessato o terzi faranno della simulazione. Si specifica inoltre che la simulazione contiene calcoli effettuati con dati e algoritmi di pubblico dominio e deve quindi essere considerata come un mero ausilio al calcolo svolgibile manualmente o con strumenti equivalenti.