With the conquest of Naples in 1442 Alfonso IV the Magnanimous (1394-1458) achieved the Mediterranean expansion of the Crown of Aragon that kings James I and Peter II the Great had started. For about half a century Alfonso transformed the Western Mediterranean in a «Catalan Sea». This period of time, however short, marked European history. Alfonso’s court, where Catalan, Italian and Latin were spoken, was an important crossroads of medieval and Humanistic culture, and a center of Late Gothic and Renaissance art. Scholarship has rarely examined the cultural and institutional relationships between both the Catalan and the Italian poles of Alfonso’s reign. To address this deficeny this volume offers a variety of contributions by scholars of diverse origin and disciplinary focus.
Alfonso d’Aragona, il Magnanimo (1394-1458), fu il sovrano che, conquistando il Regno di Napoli (1442), portò a compimento la “trajectòria mediterrània” avviata dai suoi predecessori. Fu colui che, per circa mezzo secolo – un periodo breve, ma che ha lasciato il segno nella storia europea – trasformò il Mediterraneo occidentale in un “lago catalano”. La sua corte, dove si parlavano catalano, volgare italiano e latino, fu un importantissimo crocevia della cultura umanistica e un centro propulsivo dell’arte rinascimentale. Tuttavia, raramente sono stati indagati i rapporti tra i due principali poli culturali e istituzionali del suo Regno, quello catalano e quello italiano. A questa mancanza si intende sopperire con questo volume, che raccoglie i contributi di studiosi che hanno provenienza e approcci disciplinari diversi.
L’immagine di Alfonso il Magnanimo tra letteratura e storia, tra Corona d’Aragona e Italia - La imatge d’Alfons el Magnànim en la literatura i la historiografia entre la Corona d’Aragó i Itàlia
With the conquest of Naples in 1442 Alfonso IV the Magnanimous (1394-1458) achieved the Mediterranean expansion of the Crown of Aragon that kings James I and Peter II the Great had started. For about half a century Alfonso transformed the Western Mediterranean in a «Catalan Sea». This period of time, however short, marked European history. Alfonso’s court, where Catalan, Italian and Latin were spoken, was an important crossroads of medieval and Humanistic culture, and a center of Late Gothic and Renaissance art. Scholarship has rarely examined the cultural and institutional relationships between both the Catalan and the Italian poles of Alfonso’s reign. To address this deficeny this volume offers a variety of contributions by scholars of diverse origin and disciplinary focus.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.