This research project, funded by the Basilicata Region and supported by the "Industrial Doctorate 4.0", had the objective of characterizing from a physicochemical and biological point of view seven metal artefacts found during archaeological excavations, in the Siris area of Policoro (Matera, Southern Italy), and preserved at the National Archaeological Museum of Siritide, and subsequently to seek green cleaning protocols. The PhD project was divided into four phases: 1) six-month practical activity at the National Archaeological Museum of Siritide (Policoro, Matera); 2) a three-month study period with Prof. Sariel Shalev concerning the different variables that can contribute to initiate corrosion processes; 3) five weeks collaboration at theArc'Antique Institute in Nantes for the application of a traditional cleaning method. This conservation-restoration and research laboratory was chosen because it specializes in terrestrial and underwater archaeological assets. The Arc'Antique team comprises people with complementary skills, which allows its real versatility in its intervention skills; 4) six weeks period at the University of Neuchâtel to evaluate the application of a green cleaning protocol using the Beauveria Bassiana Vuill. fungi as Prof. had already performed studies about green protocols by using biological agents to conserve/restore archaeological metal artefacts. The seven archaeological metallic artefacts conserved at the Siritide National Archaeological Museum (Policoro, Matera) were identified by using a multi-analytical approach, with non-destructive analytical techniques, including optical microscopy (OM), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), followed by a microbiological investigation. Macroscopically, the metal findings appeared to deteriorate due to severe corrosion and some specimens including arrowhead and lancet were respectively subjected to XPS and XRD analysis . The oxidation state, observed with the optical microscope (OM) on the surface of a lead stick and an arrowhead, did not allow the recognition of the constituent materials. The raw materials were qualitatively analysed by XRF, carried out on each artefact, and in the case of an arrowhead by XPS. Nevertheless, the XRD technique has been decisive in the characterization of a hand. The chemical-physical characterization phase was followed by the evaluation phase of the variables that can initiate and initiate the corrosive processes including pH, T, climate, and type of excavation. The information acquired from the chemical-physical analyzes is crucial for evaluating a suitable green or traditional conservation/restoration protocol, based on the raw materials, for cleaning the artefact or for trying to stabilize the corrosive processes in progress, in such a way that these processes do not become irreversible and the archaeological asset is no longer recoverable. Finally, the performance of a traditional protocol and a green one with the use of a biological agent, Beauveria bassiana Vuill. fungi, were evaluated. The traditional protocol, in use at the Arc'Antique Institute (Nantes-France), first of all provides for the elimination of corrosion products on the metal artefact. This type of cleaning can be mechanical when the corrosion products present are highly compact and electrochemical, instead, when there are corrosion products of the porous type. After the corrosion products have been removed, the manufactured articles are subjected to a "microsablage" finishing technique which allows the residual corrosion products to be eliminated. Finally, the artefact is covered with a layer of Paraloid 72 andthen covered with wax. At the University of Neuchatel (Switzerland) the fungi Beauveria bassiana Vuill. was used as a biological agent. This fungus produces oxalic acid as a secondary metabolite and for this reason, it has been evaluated exclusively on copper plates since oxalic acid in contact with copper forms copper oxalates which allow the creation of biopatina. In addition to the fungi, its filtrate was also used both in gel and in liquid medium and a comparison with commercial oxalic acid was also made to evaluate its efficacy. The results showed that the presence of the fungus is necessary for 100% efficacy to be achieved; as regards the samples treated with the filtrate of Beauveria bassiana Vuill., the formation of copper oxalates is present in 66% of the cases, however, with the use of commercial oxalic acid, efficacy is found only in 33% of the cases. As we can see, the obtained results show that the presence of Beauveria bassiana Vuill. is necessary. to achieve greater effectiveness. Comparing the two types of protocols it is clear that the strong point of the application of the traditional protocol is that it can be used on all metals even if with small variations within the protocol depends on the type of corrosive process present; the main disadvantage concerns very long times. However, if the times are a disadvantage for the application of the traditional protocol, the application ofthe green protocol represents a strength as it involves times of about seven days, but the disadvantage of this type of protocol is that it can only be applied on metallic copper artefacts. In light of this, it is possible to think of studying other biological agents to draw up green protocols for other metals, always taking into consideration the type of metal dossier to be treated and also the costs.
Questo progetto di ricerca, finanziato dalla Regione Basilicata e supportato dal “Dottorato Industriale 4.0”, ha avuto l’obiettivo di caratterizzare dal punto di vista fisico- chimico e biologico sette manufatti metallici rinvenuti durante gli scavi archeologici, nell'area Siris di Policoro (Matera, Italia meridionale), e conservati presso il Museo Archeologico Nazionale della Siritide, e successivamente di cercare protocolli di pulitura green. Il progetto di dottorato si è articolato in quattro fasi: 1) attività pratica di sei mesi presso il Museo Archeologico Nazionale della Siritide (Policoro, Matera); 2) periodo di tre mesi di studio con il Prof. Sariel Shalev inerente alle diverse variabili che possono contribuiread iniziare o accelerare i processi di corrosione; 3)collaborazione con periodo di cinque settimane presso l’Istituto Arc’Antique di Nantes per l’applicazione di un metodo di pulitura tradizionale. Questo laboratorio di conservazione-restauro e ricerca è stato scelto perché specializzato in beni archeologici terrestri e subacquei. Il team di Arc'Antique è composto da persone con competenze complementari, che gli consentono una reale versatilità nelle sue capacità di intervento.; 4) periodo di sei settimane presso l’Università di Neuchatel per valutare l’applicazione di un protocollo di pulitura green utilizzando il fungo Beauveria bassiana Vuill. in quanto la Prof.ssa aveva già eseguito studi su protocolli green adoperando agenti biologici per conservare/restaurare manufatti metallici archeologici. I sette manufatti metallici archeologici conservati al Museo Aercheologico Nazionale della Siritide (Policoro, Matera) sono stati caratterizzati utilizzando un approccio multianalitico, con tecniche analitiche non- distruttive, tra cui la microscopia ottica (OM), la fluorescenza a raggi X (XRF), la diffrazione dei raggi X (XRD), la spettroscopia fotoelettronica a raggi X (XPS), a cui è seguita un'indagine microbiologica. Macroscopicamente, i reperti metallici sembravano deteriorarsi a causa di una grave corrosione ed alcuni campioni tra cui punta di freccia e lancetta sono stati sottoposti ad analisi rispettivamente XPS e XRD. Lo stato di ossidazione, osservato con il microscopio ottico (OM) sulla superficie di un bastoncino di piombo e di una punta difreccia, non ha consentito il riconoscimento dei materiali costituenti. L’analisi delle materie prime è stata svolta qualitativamente da XRF, effettuata su ogni manufatto, enel caso di una punta di freccia da XPS. D'altra parte, la tecnica XRD è stata decisiva nella caratterizzazione di una lancetta. Alla fase di caratterizzazione chimico-fisica è seguita la fase di valutazione delle variabili che possono far iniziare e accelerare i processi corrosivi tra cui pH, T, clima, tipo di scavo. Le informazioni acquisite dalle analisi chimico-fisiche sono determinanti per valutare un idoneo protocollo di conservazione/restauro green o tradizionale, in base alle materie prime, per la pulitura del manufatto o per cercare di stabilizzare i processi corrosivi in atto, in modo tale che tali processi non diventino irreversibili e il bene archeologico non sia più recuperabile. Infine, sono state valutate le applicazioni di un protocollo tradizionale e di un protocollo green con l’uso di un agente biologico, fungo Beauveria bassiana Vuill. Il protocollo tradizionale, in uso presso l’Institute Arc’Antique (Nantes-Francia), prevede dapprima l’eliminazione dei prodotti di corrosione sul manufatto metallico, quando presenti. Questo tipo di pulitura può essere meccanico quando i prodotti di corrosione presenti sono fortemente compatti ed elettrochimico, invece, quando sono presenti prodotti di corrosione di tipo poroso. Dopo che i prodotti di corrosione vengono i manufatti vengono sottoposti ad una tecnica di finitura “microsablage” che consente di eliminare i prodotti di corrosione residui. Infine, il manufatto viene coperto con uno strato di Paraloid 72 e poi ricoperto con la cera. All’Università di Neuchatel (Svizzera) è stato usato come agente biologico il fungo Beauveria bassiana Vuill. Questo fungo produce come metabolita secondario l’acido ossalico e per questo motivo è stato valutato il suo esclusivamente su placche di rame poiché poiché l’acido ossalico a contatto con il rame forma gli ossalati di rame che consentono di creare la biopatina. Oltre al fungo, è stato utilizzato anche il suo filtrato sia in mezzo gel che in mezzo liquido ed inoltre, è stato fatto anche un confronto con l’acido ossalico commerciale per valutarne l’efficacia. I risultati hanno evidenziato che è necessaria la presenza del fungo affinchè si abbia il 100% dell’efficacia; per quanto riguarda i campioni trattati con il filtrato di Beauveria bassiana Vuill., la formazione degli ossalati di rame è presente nel 66% dei casi, invece, con l’utilizzo dell’acido ossalico commerciale si riscontra un’efficacia solo nel 33% dei casi. Si può desumere, dunque, dai risultati ottenuti che è necessaria la presenza di Beauveria bassiana Vuill. per ottenere una maggiore efficacia. Comparando i due tipi di protocolli si evince che il punto di forza dell’applicazione del protocollo tradizionale è che può essere adoperato su tutti i metalli anche se con con piccole variazioni all’interno del protocollo a seconda del tipo di processo corrosivo presente; lo svantaggio principale riguarda invece le tempistiche molto lunghe. Se le tempistiche sono però uno svantaggio per l’applicazione del protocollo tradizionale, per l’applicazione del protocollo green esso rappresenta un punto di forza in quanto si tratta di tempistiche di circa sette giorni, ma lo svantaggio di questo tipo di protocollo è che esso può essere esclusivamente applicato su manufatti metallici in rame. Alla luce di ciò, si può pensare di studiare altri agenti biologici per stilare protocolli green per gli altri metalli, sempre tenendo in considerazione il tipo di dossier metallico da dover trattare ed anche i costi.
This research project, funded by the Basilicata Region and supported by the "Industrial Doctorate 4.0", had the objective of characterizing from a physicochemical and biological point of view seven metal artefacts found during archaeological excavations, in the Siris area of Policoro (Matera, Southern Italy), and preserved at the National Archaeological Museum of Siritide, and subsequently to seek green cleaning protocols. The PhD project was divided into four phases: 1) six-month practical activity at the National Archaeological Museum of Siritide (Policoro, Matera); 2) a three-month study period with Prof. Sariel Shalev concerning the different variables that can contribute to initiate corrosion processes; 3) five weeks collaboration at theArc'Antique Institute in Nantes for the application of a traditional cleaning method. This conservation-restoration and research laboratory was chosen because it specializes in terrestrial and underwater archaeological assets. The Arc'Antique team comprises people with complementary skills, which allows its real versatility in its intervention skills; 4) six weeks period at the University of Neuchâtel to evaluate the application of a green cleaning protocol using the Beauveria Bassiana Vuill. fungi as Prof. had already performed studies about green protocols by using biological agents to conserve/restore archaeological metal artefacts. The seven archaeological metallic artefacts conserved at the Siritide National Archaeological Museum (Policoro, Matera) were identified by using a multi-analytical approach, with non-destructive analytical techniques, including optical microscopy (OM), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), followed by a microbiological investigation. Macroscopically, the metal findings appeared to deteriorate due to severe corrosion and some specimens including arrowhead and lancet were respectively subjected to XPS and XRD analysis . The oxidation state, observed with the optical microscope (OM) on the surface of a lead stick and an arrowhead, did not allow the recognition of the constituent materials. The raw materials were qualitatively analysed by XRF, carried out on each artefact, and in the case of an arrowhead by XPS. Nevertheless, the XRD technique has been decisive in the characterization of a hand. The chemical-physical characterization phase was followed by the evaluation phase of the variables that can initiate and initiate the corrosive processes including pH, T, climate, and type of excavation. The information acquired from the chemical-physical analyzes is crucial for evaluating a suitable green or traditional conservation/restoration protocol, based on the raw materials, for cleaning the artefact or for trying to stabilize the corrosive processes in progress, in such a way that these processes do not become irreversible and the archaeological asset is no longer recoverable. Finally, the performance of a traditional protocol and a green one with the use of a biological agent, Beauveria bassiana Vuill. fungi, were evaluated. The traditional protocol, in use at the Arc'Antique Institute (Nantes-France), first of all provides for the elimination of corrosion products on the metal artefact. This type of cleaning can be mechanical when the corrosion products present are highly compact and electrochemical, instead, when there are corrosion products of the porous type. After the corrosion products have been removed, the manufactured articles are subjected to a "microsablage" finishing technique which allows the residual corrosion products to be eliminated. Finally, the artefact is covered with a layer of Paraloid 72 andthen covered with wax. At the University of Neuchatel (Switzerland) the fungi Beauveria bassiana Vuill. was used as a biological agent. This fungus produces oxalic acid as a secondary metabolite and for this reason, it has been evaluated exclusively on copper plates since oxalic acid in contact with copper forms copper oxalates which allow the creation of biopatina. In addition to the fungi, its filtrate was also used both in gel and in liquid medium and a comparison with commercial oxalic acid was also made to evaluate its efficacy. The results showed that the presence of the fungus is necessary for 100% efficacy to be achieved; as regards the samples treated with the filtrate of Beauveria bassiana Vuill., the formation of copper oxalates is present in 66% of the cases, however, with the use of commercial oxalic acid, efficacy is found only in 33% of the cases. As we can see, the obtained results show that the presence of Beauveria bassiana Vuill. is necessary. to achieve greater effectiveness. Comparing the two types of protocols it is clear that the strong point of the application of the traditional protocol is that it can be used on all metals even if with small variations within the protocol depends on the type of corrosive process present; the main disadvantage concerns very long times. However, if the times are a disadvantage for the application of the traditional protocol, the application ofthe green protocol represents a strength as it involves times of about seven days, but the disadvantage of this type of protocol is that it can only be applied on metallic copper artefacts. In light of this, it is possible to think of studying other biological agents to draw up green protocols for other metals, always taking into consideration the type of metal dossier to be treated and also the costs.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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