ALTIERI, Giuseppe
ALTIERI, Giuseppe
Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie, Forestali, Alimentari e Ambientali
A comparison among innovative plants for high quality extra-virgin olive oil production
2020-01-01 Altieri, Giuseppe; Genovese, Francesco; Matera, Attilio; Di Renzo, Giovanni Carlo
A Low-Temperature and Low-Pressure Distillation Plant for Dairy Wastewater
2022-01-01 Altieri, Giuseppe; De Luca, Vincenzo De; Genovese, Francesco; Matera, Attilio; Scarano, Luciano; Di Renzo, Giovanni Carlo Di
A Method for Multispectral Images Alignment at Different Heights on the Crop
2024-01-01 Laveglia, Sabina; Altieri, Giuseppe
A method to set-up calibration curve for instrumented sphere IS100 to control mechanical damage during post-harvesting and handling of oranges
2009-01-01 DI RENZO, Giovanni Carlo; Altieri, Giuseppe; Genovese, Francesco; D'Antonio, Carmen
A new method for the postharvest application of imazalil fungicide to citrus fruit
2013-01-01 Altieri, Giuseppe; DI RENZO, Giovanni Carlo; Genovese, Francesco; Mariarosaria, Calandra; Maria Concetta, Strano
A new prediction model for cow lactation curve using a b-spline approximant function applied to milking-database in the farm management
2003-01-01 DI RENZO, Giovanni Carlo; Altieri, Giuseppe; A., Calbi; A., Colangelo
A novel breathable package system to improve the fresh fig (Ficus carica L. 'Dottato') shelf life
2023-01-01 Matera, Attilio; Altieri, Giuseppe; Genovese, Francesco; Scarano, Luciano; Genovese, Giuseppe; Di Renzo, Giovanni Carlo
A proposed new empirical model for the lactation curve of the cow and its use with a milking database for farm management
2003-01-01 DI RENZO, Giovanni Carlo; Altieri, Giuseppe; Giuratrabocchetti, G.; Colangelo, A.
Advance in Citrus Postharvest Management: Diseases, Cold Storage and Quality Evaluation.
2017-01-01 Strano, Maria C.; Altieri, Giuseppe; Admane, Naouel; Genovese, Francesco; Di Renzo, Giovanni C.
Advances in Sustainable Crop Management: Integrating Precision Agriculture and Proximal Sensing
2024-01-01 Laveglia, Sabina; Altieri, Giuseppe; Genovese, Francesco; Matera, Attilio; DI RENZO, Giovanni Carlo
Air-cooler defrosting management and performance optimization in fruit and vegetable cold storage rooms
2007-01-01 Altieri, Giuseppe; DI RENZO, Giovanni Carlo; Genovese, Francesco
An Innovative Smart Device to Control Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) of Fruit and Vegetables
2017-01-01 Matera, Attilio; Genovese, Francesco; Altieri, Giuseppe; Tauriello, Antonella; DI RENZO, Giovanni Carlo
2016-01-01 Genovese, Francesco; Altieri, Giuseppe; DI RENZO, Giovanni Carlo
Anaerobic digestion potential to reduce livestock waste environmental impact: a case study in Basilicata region (Italy)
2015-01-01 Genovese, Francesco; Altieri, Giuseppe; DI RENZO, Giovanni Carlo
Application of High Carbon Dioxide or Ozone Combined with MAP on Organic Late-Season Table Grapes Scarlotta Seedless®.
2015-01-01 Admane, N.; Verrastro, V.; Altieri, Giuseppe; Genovese, Francesco; Tarricone, L.; Ippolito, A.; DI RENZO, Giovanni Carlo
Attrezzatura per il monitoraggio delle sollecitazioni meccaniche subite dai frutti durante le operazioni post-raccolta. [Equipment for monitoring mechanical stresses on fruits during post-harvest operations]
1997-01-01 DI RENZO, Giovanni Carlo; Altieri, Giuseppe
Biomasse residuali agricole e forestali. Impiego a scopi energetici. [Recovery of forest and agricultural residual biomass to produce energy]
2012-01-01 DI RENZO, Giovanni Carlo; Altieri, Giuseppe; Genovese, Francesco
Buoyancy effects on conjugate heat transfer due to a laminar impinging jet: preliminary results
1999-01-01 Altieri, Giuseppe; DE LUCA, Vincenzo; Ruocco, Gianpaolo
Characterization of an innovative device controlling gaseous exchange in packages for food products
2018-01-01 Altieri, Giuseppe; Genovese, Francesco; Matera, Attilio; Tauriello, Antonella; Di Renzo, Giovanni Carlo
Cold Treatment Management During a Simulated Refrigerated Transport of Citrus Fruit at Industrial Scale
2009-01-01 DI RENZO, Giovanni Carlo; Altieri, Giuseppe; Genovese, Francesco; Lanza, G; Strano, M. C.