Environmental and Health: The Importance of Tremolite Occurence in the Pollino Geopark (Southern Italy)
2018-01-01 Dichicco, MARIA CARMELA; Laurita, Salvatore; Sinisi, Rosa; Battiloro, Raimondo; Rizzo, Giovanna
Environmental problems related to serpentinites in the Pollino Geopark (southern Apennines).
2018-01-01 Dichicco, MARIA CARMELA; Laurita, Salvatore; Mongelli, Giovanni; Rizzo, Giovanna; Sinisi, Rosa
Mineralogical Asbestos Assessment in the Southern Apennines (Italy): A Review
2019-01-01 Dichicco, MARIA CARMELA; Paternoster, Michele; Rizzo, Giovanna; Sinisi, Rosa
Ophicarbonates from Mt. Pollino Massif (southern Apennines): a possible use for geological sequestration of CO2.
2018-01-01 Dichicco, MARIA CARMELA; Castineiras, Pedro; Grassa, Fausto; Laurita, Salvatore; Mongelli, Giovanni; Paternoster, Michele; Rizzo, Giovanna; Sinisi, Rosa
Rizzo G., Buccione R., Dichicco M.C., De Bonis, Punturo R. & Mongelli G. 2023. Serpentinite quarries at the Calabria-Basilicata boundary (Southern Apennine, Italy): A case study of petrography, geochemistry and mineralogy towards sustainable economy. Congresso congiunto SIMP-SGI-SOGEI-AIV “The Geoscience paradigm: resources, risk and future perspectives”, 19-21 Settembre 2023, Potenza.
2023-01-01 Rizzo, G.; Buccione, R.; Dichicco, M. C.; DE BONIS, Angela; Punturo R., &; Mongelli, G.
Rizzo G., Dilek Y., Buccione, R., Dichicco M., Punturo R., 2024. Asbestos minerals, health risk or Earth resource? The serpentinites of the ophiolitic sequence in the Pollino Massif (Southern Italy). Workshop on Advanced X-ray characterization technologies in Earth Sciences ZAG – Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute 27-29 February 2024, Ljubljana (Slovenia).
2024-01-01 Rizzo, G.; Dilek, Y.; Buccione, R.; Dichicco, M.; Punturo, R.
Secondary chlorite in the metadolerite dykes of the Frido Unit (southern Apennines - Italy).
2017-01-01 Dichicco, MARIA CARMELA; Laurita, Salvatore; Mongelli, Giovanni; Rizzo, Giovanna; Sinisi, Rosa
Serpentinite Carbonation for CO2 Sequestration in the Southern Apennines: Preliminary Study
2015-01-01 Dichicco, MARIA CARMELA; Laurita, Salvatore; Paternoster, Michele; Rizzo, Giovanna; Sinisi, Rosa; Mongelli, Giovanni
Serpentinite Carbonation in the Pollino Massif (southern Italy) for CO2 Sequestration
2015-01-01 Dichicco, MARIA CARMELA; Mongelli, Giovanni; Paternoster, Michele; Rizzo, Giovanna
Serpentinites of the Pollino ophiolite massif (Calabria, southern Italy), mineralogy, petrography and future perspectives
2024-01-01 Rizzo, Giovanna; Dilek, Yildirim; Buccione, Roberto; Dichicco, MARIA CARMELA; Mongelli, Giovanni; Punturo, Rosalda
μ-Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction of asbestos’ minerals for geo-environmental monitoring: The case of the southern Apennines natural sources
2017-01-01 Dichicco, MARIA CARMELA; DE BONIS, Angela; Mongelli, Giovanni; Rizzo, Giovanna; Sinisi, Rosa